If you are noticing that your sales numbers are lagging, or you just can’t seem to meet your goals, it is vital to take a look at how you are selling and how you are handling your prospects. Thoroughly researching your prospects is a necessary part of sales process improvement. Let’s take a look at … Research Your Prospects to Improve Your Sales Process
Know When to Close: The Importance of the Buyer’s Shift
Hi Sider, I have provided you with the page title. Can you please create a meta title for it? Page Title: “Know When to Close: The Importance of the Buyer’s Shift” Sales training often concentrates on the beginning of the sales funnel, stressing activities such as marketing, prospecting and presenting. Some even get as far … Know When to Close: The Importance of the Buyer’s Shift
Rank Prospects in Your Consultative Sales Process
New prospects are the lifeblood of your company, but not all prospects are equal. In order to utilize your time wisely, it is vital to set up a ranking system for your prospects and then allocate the time you spend. First, let’s look at ranking your prospects. The usual system is hot, warm and cold … Rank Prospects in Your Consultative Sales Process
Get on the Inside Track – Use Neuro-Linguistic Programming to Improve Your Sales Process
The sales process involves many steps, from quantifying and qualifying leads, to building a relationship with your prospects and determining their needs. Once these things are accomplished, the final step of the process, making the sale, will hopefully occur. But what can you do for sales process improvement within your organization? While there is no … Get on the Inside Track – Use Neuro-Linguistic Programming to Improve Your Sales Process
Customer Complaints are Sales Gold – Use Them!
Success in sales is largely determined by the actions taken on a daily basis, and these in turn derive from a blend of the salesperson’s knowledge and attitude. Basic attitude directs how situations are approached and is probably the single largest factor in whether a salesperson does the effective thing or sits idly by while … Customer Complaints are Sales Gold – Use Them!
Three Ways to Leverage Account Management to Develop More Business
Account servicing might be looked at as simply a time consuming, unproductive activity by both salespeople and their managers, unless a major fire has to be put out to prevent an account from being lost. After all — as most top sales trainers teach — the top money making activity is actively selling, not doing … Three Ways to Leverage Account Management to Develop More Business
The Importance of a High-Quality Sales Process in Driving Sales
A 2011 survey of 80,000 business customers performed by H.R. Chally Group indicates that the most important factor in choosing a vendor for their purchasing solutions is the salesperson’s competence. This tops the suitability of the offering, product quality, and price, and indicates that any sales process improvement is very worthwhile. Research reveals, however, that … The Importance of a High-Quality Sales Process in Driving Sales
Consultative Selling – It’s Not About You!
The term “consultative sales process” frequently gets bandied about without much understanding. A salesperson, especially a rookie, might tend to assume that it means to simply adopt some professional-type mannerism and tell the prospect that, as their consultant, they recommend such-and-such product. While adopting an air of authority and professionalism does not hurt, the backbone … Consultative Selling – It’s Not About You!
Listen to Improve Your Consultative Sales Process
One of the basic truisms used in training sales people to develop a consultative sales process is “sell people how they wish to be sold, rather than the way you want to sell them.” This requires, for some, a dramatic shift in how they view the sales cycle and, even more fundamentally, how they communicate … Listen to Improve Your Consultative Sales Process
Increase Sales Optimization Through Organizational Growth
Successful businesses will strive for growth. Sales optimization will improve if a company’s reach and abilities are not static. For small businesses, growth represents potential in several areas, including increased survival rate, greater profits, and marketplace power. There are many ways to measure growth, with profitability being the leading indicator. Sales, number of employees, and increased … Increase Sales Optimization Through Organizational Growth