When a business has had a negative perception event, panic can set in among its salespeople. It make things tougher for them, especially when competitors smartly use it to their advantage and begin to take away accounts. Every business is capable of making mistakes, but it is what you do when your business has had … Selling When Your Business Has Had a Negative Perception Event
Five Essentials for Managing Your Sales Leads in 2014
A lot of effort and expense goes into procuring sales leads. In fact, the entire advertising and marketing industries could be said to exist solely to create them in one form or another. As sales professionals, we could do a lot better for our companies and our own personal financial futures if we could manage … Five Essentials for Managing Your Sales Leads in 2014
Sales Tips for Holiday Season
Most everyone loves the holiday season, except for the majority of B2B salespeople. They worry about making quota and having enough to pay for the holiday bills, faced with prospects who are unavailable or give the old “we are holding off until the New Year to buy anything” objection. Here are some sales tips for … Sales Tips for Holiday Season
Differences between the B2B Sales Cycle vs. The B2C Sales Cycle
B2B (business to business) and B2C (business to consumer) sales obviously have a lot of basic similarities. Everyone needs to find some prospects to sell to, present the products and services, and seal the deal through a closing action. However, for those making the transition from selling to individual consumers; and to selling to groups … Differences between the B2B Sales Cycle vs. The B2C Sales Cycle
Find the Right Mix of Inside vs. Outside Sales Personnel
Every business needs the right blend of talent to successfully market and sell to the various kinds of prospects which exist in its territory. The tendency is to try to fill up a roster with A-type personality, go-getter salespeople. But, just as a football team would fail if it were comprised solely of quarterbacks, so … Find the Right Mix of Inside vs. Outside Sales Personnel
Is a Large or Small Sales Consulting Firm Better?
Sales consulting firms can help businesses discover the most effective sales processes and techniques for their market, plot a path to recovery, and revitalize a sales force. But when looking for a suitable firm, you might want to try a small one. Here are a few reasons why a smaller consulting firm is more likely … Is a Large or Small Sales Consulting Firm Better?
Make Your CRM Actually Work with Sales Consultancy Services
The emergence of cloud technologies have made an array of powerful tools, including CRM and ERP suites, available to businesses that previously could not afford them. As more information becomes available to businesses and sales professionals, the complexity of these tools continues to increase as well. While most businesses pay lip service to understanding the … Make Your CRM Actually Work with Sales Consultancy Services
What Can I Improve with Sales Consulting Services?
Many businesses struggling in a difficult economy have found success by hiring sales consulting services. While each company has its own DNA and improves in different ways, the successes all boil down to establishing a solid framework for finding prospective customers and then using sales techniques to get them involved in the most efficient way … What Can I Improve with Sales Consulting Services?
Have Great Sales People but Poor Sales Management – Try a Sales Management Training Specialist
In many businesses, the top sales people become managers. While they are competent themselves, they often have to deal with sales people who, through either lack of real-world experience or lack of aptitude, make training and managing difficult. In some cases, the opposite is true, and the sales people far outshine their managers — to … Have Great Sales People but Poor Sales Management – Try a Sales Management Training Specialist
Have More than 100 Sales People? Try “Corporate” Sales Training
As your business grows in size, individual sales training and one-on-one coaching becomes too impractical and costly for sales managers to do themselves. If your business utilizes a large sales team, corporate sales training offers a format and structure more suitable for your situation. Check Aptitude First Corporate training is optimized for informing large numbers … Have More than 100 Sales People? Try “Corporate” Sales Training