One of the giveaways from a new salesperson is when he asks, “How do I get prospects?” For experienced sales professionals, this is like asking “How do I breathe?” More so than worrying about sales closing techniques, this is such a silly question because there are so many ways to get leads. With websites, blogs … Sales Closing Starts with the Right Prospects
Trick to Hiring ONLY Salespeople Who Know How to Close a Deal
No matter your product or service, it’s not going to sell itself. At least not in enough volume to make your enterprise viable. The solution is to build a marketing team and salesforce capable of capturing business in an ever-expanding sphere. And a certain percentage of your salesforce needs to be very proficient in how … Trick to Hiring ONLY Salespeople Who Know How to Close a Deal
The Weakest Sales Closing Technique – Seeing the Buyer Shift
In order for your sales closing techniques to work, your buyer has to be primed. Building rapport, presenting, demonstrating, handling questions and objections – these are all part of that priming process. There is a stage in all these where average salespeople tend to falter, and that is the critical moment where they need to … The Weakest Sales Closing Technique – Seeing the Buyer Shift
The OLD BRAIN Science Behind EQ for Sales Success
At Asher Strategies, we are leading a renewed charge towards emotional selling and using emotional intelligence (EQ) for sales success. The evidence is just overwhelming; appealing to the intellect alone is a limited approach, even in B2B or government sales.
Why Techniques and Skills to Close Sales are Critical
Ever see a successful sales person fly by the seat of their pants? They apparently don’t use techniques and skills to close sales, but somehow charm their way into getting orders.
Use Your EQ For More Sales Success
One of the hallmarks of a good salesperson is they possess the natural talent to succeed in the sales profession. At Asher Strategies, we insist that every sales professional, whether inside or outside sales is their specialty, be tested on the APQ.
Why Asher Offers the Best Modern Sales Training Seminars
Discuss how the book, focus on old brain and the psychology of selling, and EI impact has revolutionized John’s sales training seminars.
Avoid the “Fear of Closing” – Know How to Close Deals
My new book, Close Deals Faster: The 15 Shortcuts of the Asher Sales Method,covers many tips on salesmanship and speeding up the sales process. It does presuppose that the reader knows the basics of how to close a deal in the first place, however.
How to Use 15 Shortcuts to Close Deals Faster
Close Deals Faster: The 15 Shortcuts of the Asher Sales Method is based on 15 tactics which, when utilized together, form a sales methodology which will increase business for any B2B sales operation. The key word in the previous sentence is “utilized,” because if you simply read it and don’t put the precepts into practice, … How to Use 15 Shortcuts to Close Deals Faster
Last in the Sales Process, First in Priority – Sales Closing Techniques
If you don’t ask, you don’t receive. This simple sentence sums up what selling is all about: asking for something you want. Of course, very few are going to give you what you want for nothing, so you have to offer a service or product in return. And the plain truth is, the main goal … Last in the Sales Process, First in Priority – Sales Closing Techniques