For many learning how to close a deal more effectively, whether closing is an art or a science is an understandable confusion. Some salespeople rely strictly on their processes and systems to bring buyers through the sales funnel, while others prefer to engage more organically with prospects and improvise as they go along. There is … Is Closing the Deal an Art or a Science?
Asher Strategies Announces 2018 Sales Trends
Washington, D.C., May 15, 2018 – Asher Strategies identifies 15 trends influencing sales people in 2018. “We want sales teams to be successful and Close Deals Faster,” John Asher, CEO for Asher Strategies said. “With effective sales teams, companies can increase their revenue. They need to understand how trends impact them to help both be … Asher Strategies Announces 2018 Sales Trends
Closing Deals Faster Leverages Your Growth
In sales, to close deals faster means greater growth. In fact, speed alone can determine the viability of an organization. The reason for this is that speed of particle flow determines power, both in the natural world and in any business. A company which closes 100 deals in one year is significantly more powerful than … Closing Deals Faster Leverages Your Growth
Answer these 5 Questions – Learn Your Sales Emotional Intelligence
Developing emotional intelligence for sales success is an oft-neglected part of sales training. This is despite evidence which indicates emotional intelligence, rather than IQ, is key in both selling and interpersonal relationships. In order to develop emotional intelligence, you must first become self-aware. After all, you cannot stretch your weak traits into more ideal ones … Answer these 5 Questions – Learn Your Sales Emotional Intelligence
Reviewing the Basics of Sales Aptitude Testing
The APQ sales aptitude test has been instrumental in turning around low-performing sales teams for several decades, in conjunction with sales training and coaching. In the past, sales executives and hiring managers had to rely on imprecise recruitment methods, such as gut instinct and interview performance. With the development of the APQ sales aptitude test … Reviewing the Basics of Sales Aptitude Testing
3 Ways How March Madness Teams Close the Deal
March Madness is the annual college basketball tournament which separates the wheat from the chaff. It’s a dramatic end to the season for hundreds of players for whom the stakes are high: prestige, recognition, and a possible shot at a lucrative NBA career. Similar to sales professionals, basketball players need a lot of preparation, practice, … 3 Ways How March Madness Teams Close the Deal
Hiring Great Salespeople Needs to Be Scientific. Use the APQ Sales Aptitude Assessment.
Sales and marketing today have evolved into more scientific, efficient practices thanks to raw computing power and advances in data science. While psychology has always played a part in sales, we now understand better which parts of the mind and personality most affect success in these fields due to the sheer amount of transactional data … Hiring Great Salespeople Needs to Be Scientific. Use the APQ Sales Aptitude Assessment.
Making a Good First Impression will Close Deals Faster
The first impression you make with a potential buyer can make or break a deal. We used to think that it took several seconds or minutes for this first impression to form, but recent research shows that it only takes fractions of a second. Once it’s made it is hard to overcome, and a negative … Making a Good First Impression will Close Deals Faster
Don’t Know How to Close a Deal? No Problem! 3 Top Closes to Learn.
There is an acronym in sales which is overused. It’s “ABC” which stands for – Always Be Closing.” It’s a reminder that you are always selling and should be focused on closing deals constantly – because that’s what brings in the bread. But, what if you really don’t know how to close a deal? How … Don’t Know How to Close a Deal? No Problem! 3 Top Closes to Learn.
Want More Sales? Practice Your Closing Techniques
If you want to become a great salesperson, you need to practice everything from your presentations to the way you ask for referrals. And of course, your sales closing techniques should be rehearsed over and over until you have them down pat. Here are a few ways to practice: Practice in front of a mirror … Want More Sales? Practice Your Closing Techniques