1. The concept of a “unique selling proposition” (USP) is increasing in importance. If the buyer’s old decision making brain doesn’t see a clear difference between your company and the competition, price becomes the only discriminator. If your company has a strong USP, price does not enter the discussion. 2. When companies are selling commodities, … ASHER Top 10 Sales Trends for 2020
How to Excel in Virtual Sales in a Work-from-Home Environment
If you’re new to the world of working from home, it might feel like you’re navigating a minefield. A new work environment and an increase in the use of technology is enough to cause some uneasiness throughout this transition. However, there are many ways you can make the most of working remotely. Those in sales … How to Excel in Virtual Sales in a Work-from-Home Environment
3 Essential Tweaks for Selling Virtually
As most of the nation approaches the two-month mark of quarantine, a sea change is occurring in how Americans conduct business. Some of these changes might be permanent. Twitter’s CEO Jack Dorsey sent an email to staff permitting them to work from home indefinitely, even after the lockdown is over. Google is reportedly encouraging many … 3 Essential Tweaks for Selling Virtually
Online Sales Training Success
Recent events have made online sales training more important than ever. Until the coronavirus pandemic is over, it remains the only form of meaningful personal sales training for many salespeople and executives across the country. I recently recorded an episode for our Asher Sales Podcast called “Seven Elements of Crazy Good Online Sales Training” where … Online Sales Training Success
Ten Prospecting Methods to Use During “Social Distancing”
The coronavirus pandemic is a rapidly evolving, fluid situation which will undoubtedly have many new developments by the time this post is published. With extensive shuttering of restaurant and meeting/entertainment venues, mass gatherings discouraged, and more than a few cities on mandatory lockdown, times can seem dire for B2B salespeople. How are you supposed to … Ten Prospecting Methods to Use During “Social Distancing”
Chapter 1: What are Pre-Employment Assessments
“An organization, no matter how well designed, is only as good as the people who live and work in it.” – Dee Hock, founder and former CEO of VISA. A fundamental challenge for many HR departments, recruiters, sales managers, and sales executives is finding the “right” people to fill open sales positions. When good salespeople … Chapter 1: What are Pre-Employment Assessments
Hard or Soft? How your messaging style affects acceptance
Our training programs for sales teams incorporate the latest neuroscience research. Study after study prove that Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is a better harbinger of sales success, more than IQ. This is logical: those with highly developed EQ can better relate to others and gain their trust, and this makes for easier sales. One important component … Hard or Soft? How your messaging style affects acceptance
Chapter 8 – Beyond Pre-employment (how else to use)
The APQ has proven to be an indispensable tool for recruiters and sales leaders in thousands of companies. The strong correlation to real-world performance, easy-to-understand charts and reports, and uncomplicated set-up make it a leading pre-employment assessment for sales organizations. However, the APQ goes far beyond simply helping to find the best possible sales candidates. … Chapter 8 – Beyond Pre-employment (how else to use)
Chapter 7 – How to Implement
In this chapter, we’ll explore a few best practices for implementing pre-employment assessments in your business. All are based on years of real-world experience working with many B2B customers to identify and hire the best possible candidates. Our hiring test of choice remains the Advanced Personality Questionnaire (APQ), so we will refer to it throughout … Chapter 7 – How to Implement
Chapter 6 – What to look for? (Key Selection Factors/Features)
In the previous chapters we covered the basics of pre-employment assessments and their value to sales organizations. In the following installment, we delve into the features which comprise a great test, especially for sales candidates. Correlation studies The most important question every test must answer is “Do these test scores correlate with real-world performance?” Otherwise, … Chapter 6 – What to look for? (Key Selection Factors/Features)