Expert Sales Training

Close Deals Faster Workshop
Online Sales Training

Empower your sales team, exceed goals with scientifically proven sales techniques in Asher’s best of breed sales training course

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Top companies train with Asher (80,000+ Trained)

What to expect from Asher Online Training

Master Sales Skills Online, At Your Pace

Unleash Your Potential with Asher’s Online Training

  • Robust Learning: A complete training experience to focus on improving your overall sales skills.
  • Flexible Scheduling: Learn at your convenience, whether it’s day or night, from any location.
  • Real-World Application: Practical skills you can implement immediately for real sales success.

Achieve Sales Excellence in Record Time

Elevate Your Sales Performance with Asher’s Proven five step Methodology

  1. Product knowledge
  2. Natural aptitude
  3. Sales skills
  4. Motivation
  5. Sales process
  • Rapid Skill Development: Get up to speed quickly and outperform your competition.
  • Increased Productivity: Learn techniques to close deals faster and boost your revenue.
  • Measurable Results: Experience a significant ROI on your time and a faster and higher percentage closing rate.

Accelerate Your Sales Journey with Asher’s Proven Expertise

Experience the Asher Advantage

  • Robust Learning: A complete training experience to focus on improving your overall sales skills.
  • Flexible Scheduling: Learn at your convenience, whether it’s day or night, from any location.
  • Real-World Application: Practical skills you can implement immediately for real sales success.

The Sales Team Roadmap is The Start To Your Sales Success

Three Powerful Sales Guides, Instant Results

Download the sales roadmap

From On-demand to in-person

Asher offers options that match your team and organizational goals

Close Deals Faster

Self-Paced Online Training

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Close Deals Faster

Premium Version

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Why it Works and is Impactful

At Asher Strategies, we are revolutionizing the world of sales training. Our transition from traditional in-person training to a cutting-edge online platform represents a bold step forward in delivering the best-of-breed sales training you deserve. Here’s why our approach works and is profoundly impactful:

1. Expertise That Sets Us Apart

We are recognized industry leaders and experts in sales training. Our team of seasoned professionals has a deep understanding of the sales landscape, honed through decades of experience. When you choose Asher Strategies, you are learning from the best.

2. Top Ten Sales Skills Mastery

Our online training platform comprises ten comprehensive modules, each dedicated to one of the ‘Top Ten Sales Skills’ essential for success. We’ve distilled the essence of effective selling into these modules, ensuring you acquire the precise skills needed to excel in today’s competitive market.

3. Flexible Learning, Uncompromised Quality

Moving to an online platform doesn’t mean compromising on quality. We’ve meticulously crafted our online training to be flexible, accessible, and highly effective. Learn at your own pace, from anywhere in the world, without sacrificing the depth of knowledge and practical insights we provide.

4. Proven Success Stories

Our track record speaks for itself. Countless professionals and organizations have benefited from our training methodologies. We’ve helped individuals and teams achieve unprecedented sales results, and our success stories are a testament to the effectiveness of our approach. Click the feedback from our students on our website.

5. Customized Solutions

We understand that every organization is unique. That’s why we offer customizable training solutions tailored to your specific needs, ensuring that your team receives the training that aligns perfectly with your goals and objectives.

Asher’s Close Deals Faster Workshop is Ideal for

New Sales Hires

  • Rapid Onboarding: Our workshop provides new sales hires with a structured and efficient onboarding process, ensuring they quickly grasp essential sales skills and sales tools.
  • Building a Strong Foundation: Our 10 classic sales skills from our founder’s three books on sales: “Close Deals Faster”, “The Neuroscience of Selling” and the “Future of Sales”. New sales hires benefit from a solid foundation in sales techniques, enabling them to immediately start contributing to your organization’s success from day one.
  • Achieving Quota Faster: With our training, new sales hires are better equipped to meet and exceed their sales sooner, accelerating ROI from the cost of their recruitment.

Under-Performing Sales Team

  • Performance Turnaround: Our workshop is designed to identify and address performance gaps, helping underperforming salespeople transform into top performers.
  • Skills Enhancement: We focus on refining and enhancing the sales skills of your team members, giving them the tools needed to close deals more effectively.
  • Motivation and Accountability: Through our training, we inspire motivation and foster a culture of accountability, driving your underperforming team to reach new heights.
  • Quiz Results: Quizzes are used at the end of each module to assess comprehension.

Sales Skill Reinforcement Webinars

  • Continual Improvement: Graduates of Asher’s programs can further hone their skills and stay up-to-date with the latest sales techniques through our reinforcement workshops.
  • Skill Retention: Our workshops help ensure that graduates retain the valuable skills they’ve learned, preventing skill decay over time.
  • Staying Competitive: In the fast-paced world of sales, ongoing reinforcement ensures that Asher graduates remain competitive and can adapt to changing market dynamics.

Pre Employment Assessments

Aptitude Assessment

Aptitude Assessment

The ultimate career aptitude test, our Abilities Assessment is an objective way to find out how well a candidate can learn and use new information. See how someone works with numbers, words, and shapes, and compare their results with your ideal employee.

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Motivation Assessment

Motivation Assessment

The ultimate career aptitude test, our Abilities Assessment is an objective way to find out how well a candidate can learn and use new information. See how someone works with numbers, words, and shapes, and compare their results with your ideal employee.

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Personality Assessment

Personality Assessment

The ultimate career aptitude test, our Abilities Assessment is an objective way to find out how well a candidate can learn and use new information. See how someone works with numbers, words, and shapes, and compare their results with your ideal employee.

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The Assessment Suite

The Assessment Suite

The ultimate career aptitude test, our Abilities Assessment is an objective way to find out how well a candidate can learn and use new information. See how someone works with numbers, words, and shapes, and compare their results with your ideal employee.

Learn more

ASHER Team Featured on Fox Business

Watch ASHER on Worldwide Business with Kathy Ireland® on Sunday 10/7 at 5:30pm on Fox Business Network.

Online Sales Training

Neuroscience-Based Sales Hunting Workshop

This powerful seminar provides reinforcement of the ten sales skills, and includes the latest research.

Participants will learn the ideas that wake up the buyer’s “old brain”, and how to incorporate them into their sales presentations and interactions with prospects. In addition, participants will learn ten cognitive biases, or shortcuts, the brain takes to make decisions quickly.

What our clients say

“Just to let you know. While I was going through the closing skill on the AVA, I realized one of my clients had shown the signs of buyer shift. I paused the tutorial and emailed him using the “I recommend” close. He emailed me right back and set a time to get together and sign a contract. I’m already benefiting from your course. Thank you so much!”

– Mike Fish, V.P. of Sales at Overly Custom Pools LLC

Online Sales Training

Let’s Get Started

Discover what the Asher online sales training platform includes and how it can take your team to the next level.

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Close Deals Faster

The online, self-serve, premier training from Asher available for you, your team and your entire organization.

Close Deals Faster

Self-Paced Online Training

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Close Deals Faster

Premium Version

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Free Trial - Close Deals Faster Online Sales Training Program

Ready to take your sales skills to the next level? Get a taste of success with Asher Strategies' Online Sales Training Program.

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Companies partner with ASHER Strategies, a growth strategy consulting firm, to develop consistent, scalable, measurable ROI and top line revenue growth through sales training, marketing, and process improvement.

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ASHER Corporate Office
1300 13th Street NW #608
Washington DC 20005

(202) 469-7489

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Take Your Sales Training to the Next Level

Best of breed, scientifically backed, on-demand sales training for you and your team on your team, guaranteed to CLOSE MORE DEALS, FASTER.

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