How a Sales Training Seminar Can Revolutionize Your Government Business Development

Government business can keep a business in the black for many years due to the stable income many contracts provide. This makes government business development an extremely competitive endeavor.

Adding to the challenge of doing business in this sphere is the complexity of discovering procurement needs,receiving approval as a contractor, preparing bids, and reporting — all of which involve considerable red tape.

It is well worth it. I successfully made a good living in this market as a software salesman many moons ago, and to this day I teach top salespeople how to break in through my government sales training seminars.

Get a piece of an enormous pie

The first thing to know is that there are many layers of government from which to source business from. The federal government is the nation’s largest employer, andspends close to $100 billion annually on contracts.Most contracts are not out of reach for small firms or midsized firms to service, ranging from $30,000 to$100,000 according to the Small Business Administration.

Adding to the federal government business development opportunities are the thousands of state, county, and city contracts which are also open for bidding. There is a fortune to be made, and a good government sales training seminar can really get things going for firms seeking an entry point in this space.

Decipher the language

The government procurement cycle can be utterly baffling to newbies. Terminology alone can be daunting.

Warfighters. Operational theater. Program Executive Officer (PEO). Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDC’s). Contract Vehicles. Operational Requirements Document (ORD). Concept of Operations (CONOPS). Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS).

These are Department of Defense terms, and just a few of the literally thousands of unfamiliar acronyms and terms anyone entering into government business will encounter as soon as they try to get a foothold in!

A reputable sales training seminar will help isolate the key terms your salespeople need to know right away.

Learn the most effective way to source government business

Most importantly, a good business sales training seminar will walk you through the best way to win government contracts.

Things to learn include how to:

  • Discover procurement listings
  • Match products and services to procurement forecasts
  • Tailor presentations for government officials
  • Forge relationships with influencers in all levels of government
  • Establish a reputation by winning small contracts first
  • Register as a contractor and join the GSA (General Services Administration)
  • Leverage networking groups

As a former Navy officer and government contractor, I know a lot of the ins and outs of dealing with the government on many levels. If you would like to do business with the government and would like some guidance, please feel free to drop me a line.

Better yet, attend one of our sales training seminars (ask for the one on government sales) and get an in-depth primer that will set you on the path to winning lucrative contracts.

I look forward to working with you.


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