Business Sales Training

One of the first priorities when meeting with a prospect is to establish rapport. This can involve some initial small talk about common interests, noticing something in the prospect’s home or office to talk about, or even some innocuous subject such as the weather or sports. Unfortunately, these efforts fall flat sometimes. A talkative salesperson You CAN Grow Your Emotional Intelligence and Sell More

Business sales training is a must for any company, from small mom and pop shops to mega-corporations. Why? Because without the ability to prospect and close sales, there is no revenue – and cash is the lifeblood of every enterprise, large or small.

Delivering business sales training in Washington DC for the past three decades has been a rewarding and challenging, endeavor.

Cookie cutter business sales training programs may not work for your company. In this post I will give you a few pointers for how you can “build your own training” for your staff, whether you intend to deliver it yourself or use a third party such as Asher Strategies to do the teaching work.

Love him or dislike him, President Donald Trump is issuing orders which affect the American business climate. Business sales training providers should stay ahead of them in order for their students to take advantage of these changes.

The concept of emotional intelligence continues to gain traction among business sales training experts. As I have cited in previous posts, surveys and studies online point to HR professionals prioritizing applicants with higher emotional intelligence rather than traditional IQ.

At the end of the day, the goals of any sales training are going to vary depending on the needs of the client. And when it comes to varied and complicated markets, you’d be hard pressed to find a better example than Washington D.C. Like most capital cities, it is a hub of high powered Answers to the Top Questions We Get about Business Sales Training in Washington DC

All city capitals are nerve-centers of activity and commerce, and perhaps the most important capital in terms of power and influence would be Washington D.C. It’s certainly a town where government and military interests are the major drivers of most business contracts and, as many of us already know, these institutions have a certain way 5 Ways We Can Improve Washington DC Business Sales Training


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Companies partner with ASHER Strategies, a growth strategy consulting firm, to develop consistent, scalable, measurable ROI and top line revenue growth through sales training, marketing, and process improvement.

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