B2B sales training

losing sales closing techniques

It happens to the best of salespeople. Everything seems to be going smoothly with a buyer, with enough positive signals apparently there to indicate strong interest and a purchase decision. Then, when sales closing techniques are applied to get the commitment, they refuse to close. When one has spent weeks or even months working on Losing Sales at the End? 4 Sales Closing Techniques to Help

As stated in my new book, Close Deals Faster: The 15 Shortcuts of the Asher Sales Method, “In a globalized, Internet based economy, there is no excuse for a salesperson not to have done thorough research on the buyer and their company prior to the first meeting.” There’s still too many salespeople going on sales 5 Keys to Being a LinkedIn Sales Research Expert

If you don’t ask, you don’t receive.  This simple sentence sums up what selling is all about: asking for something you want. Of course, very few are going to give you what you want for nothing, so you have to offer a service or product in return. And the plain truth is, the main goal Last in the Sales Process, First in Priority – Sales Closing Techniques

Many of the best sales closing techniques have been developed over the years, and there are a few key ones which are worth highlighting due to their effectiveness. You will find them here in this blog post.

Do you like motivational speakers? Most of us do. They make us feel good and pumped up with adrenaline, at least for a couple of hours. But what happens when the glow of a motivational speech wears off in a couple of days?

“Average salespeople just don’t ask for referrals.” Kyla O’Connell, Senior Sales Trainer for Asher Strategies, shares this truth and a few other tidbits on referrals in this video below. Watch it (it’s less than 2 minutes long) and then continue reading below for more tips on asking for referrals, a skill all top sales training How to Ask for Referrals from Top Sales Training Programs

Imagine owning a crystal ball that could predict with a great deal of certainty whether a new employee had “the right stuff” to make it in sales. That would make life as a recruiter or sales manager much easier, wouldn’t it?

Certain things in life are just forgone conclusions. A dry red wine and steak make a great combo. Of course. Avoid politics and religion on a first date. Sounds smart. The positive effects of a great sales training workshop on employee performance is fast becoming a foregone conclusion in the B2B world. According to an Learn the Top Skills to Run a Great Sales Training Workshop

As the old saying goes, “anything worth doing is worth doing well,” and the best and simplest way to do something well is to have a carefully thought-out plan to get you there. This approach has many applications in sales training. When provided the correct kind of training, salespeople will have strong, achievable plans to Why The Best Sales Training Seminars Use a Proven Process for Success

Managerial skill levels greatly influence the ability of a business to drive revenue. If a sales manager lacks skills and the personality characteristics proven to guarantee success for their position, having that person onboard will be extremely detrimental. One tool every sales organization should use to find the best qualified candidates possible is a sales Hiring Alert! A Sales Manager Hiring Test That Works


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