Asher Strategies

Being an entrepreneur is an American Dream. However, in the struggle to get financing, execute a business plan, overtake competitors, arrange sales training and learn the tricks of a particular niche, many entrepreneurs fail. Even though failure is likely, it is not inevitable. Here are 10 destructive actions to avoid. 1.       Premature Start There are Top 10 Reasons Why Most Entrepreneurs Fail in Business

New customers are the lifeblood of any firm, even those doing lots of current business. After all, one never knows when existing clients are going to go elsewhere or cut their order volume. Rather than chase prospects, salespeople can have leads flock to them by making great offers. Consider the following three strategies. 1.      Give Three Keys to Great Offers that Attract New Leads

Although landing one can take a bit of legwork, government contracts can provide a steady and long-term stream of revenue.  The Small Business Administration (SBA) reports that the federal government alone spends more than $91 billion annually on contracts, with most contracts ranging from $30,000 to$100,000. With state and city contracts also available, businesses and their sales staff have multiple How Do You Train Your Government Business Development Team?

Product knowledge in sales is a prime requisite for any sales associate. A seller armed with knowledge of every feature and nuance of his company’s brand offerings conveys a sense of authority and competence. Customers are more likely to trust him, believe the claims in his presentation and be willing to close on a sale. Importance of Product Knowledge in Sales

Every business needs the right blend of talent to successfully market and sell to the various kinds of prospects which exist in its territory. The tendency is to try to fill up a roster with A-type personality, go-getter salespeople. But, just as a football team would fail if it were comprised solely of quarterbacks, so Find the Right Mix of Inside vs. Outside Sales Personnel

Regular readers of this blog might wonder why we at Asher Strategies place so much emphasis on giving each and every member of a sales team, from executives on down, a sales aptitude assessment.  After all, most of us pride ourselves on being good judges of character, and a formal interview process should give us How Can a $115 Sales Aptitude Assessment Save You $150,000

When contacting customers through email, some companies make the mistake of treating their prospects like robots, and sometimes it shows. While it is impractical to completely write a unique email for every single contact on your email list, there are still ways to grab attention and make the person on the receiving end feel that How to Write a Great Sales Email

Sometimes in business, we get tunnel vision in regards to what our real problems are and what solutions should be undertaken to fix them. I suspect it happens when business owners either fail to step back and look at the big picture, or when they dismiss the obvious cause of failure simply because “it cannot 4 Startling Facts Every Business Owner Should Know

In sales, understanding the different personality types in the workplace, and therefore of the buyers you will encounter, can help improve sales results. After all, if you can better relate to the people you are dealing with, you can probably sell them better, right? While human behavior is full of nuances and everyone is very Understanding Personality Types in the Workplace: Part 1, “The Driver”

Sales forecasting allows salespeople and their managers to form an educated guess as to where they are headed, which in turn allows them to plan using a guide rather than simply “winging it” — a sure recipe for low production. Sales projections take into account past sales figures, and if you are measuring the proper How to Forecast Sales for a Brand New Business, Product, or Service


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