Can You NOT Afford One Day for a Sales Seminar?

Sales seminars prove their value time and time again. Every company should put their sales force through a training, at least once per year. One of the biggest excuses for not doing this is not “we don’t have the money,” but rather “we don’t have the time.” If this is the case for you, can you really afford NOT to take one day per year to get your sales team trained?
Here are some symptoms which indicate the need for sales seminars:
· Sales force turnover
· Sluggish revenue
· Low morale
· Poor KPIs
· Customer service issues
What can sales seminars do to reverse these?
Motivate the team
The first solution brought about by great sales seminars is a motivated sales force. Regardless of the curriculum, many salespeople get a boost simply from the change in routine and mingling with other professional salespeople. When you add in a top-notch curriculum and role playing, they are armed with skills they can apply to their current deals to close them faster – greatly boosting confidence.
Salesperson turnover is reduced, because motivated salespeople who are making money and feel their employers invest in them tend to stick around.
Learn the latest technological tricks
Technology that leverages an accurate, robust data set can improve customer service because it really helps you know your customers and answer the following:
· When was the last time this customer was touched by a rep?
· Is it time to suggest an upgrade?
· Are there any unhandled issues?
· What’s the next step with this buyer?
If CRM software or other systems are not used by salespeople, however, they cannot do anything to increase the cash flow. Even the most expensive, whiz-bang technology is useless on its own – and we all know cases where software was purchased and just gathered dust. Sales seminars train salespeople to derive the most benefit from CRM and marketing platforms with best practices, tips, and tricks to open up to the possibilities of using these tools. They get used more, and your investment in these software and services does not go to waste.
Build cohesion
Sales seminars, especially those which feature keynote speeches, can get your messaging across and rally your troops to a common cause – such as next year’s growth initiatives, new product launches, efficiency improvements, and things of that nature. Gathering everyone in one room puts everyone on the same page, rather than have a mass of individual decision points each doing their own thing.
A cohesive sales team gets more accomplished, and in less time. Culture improves, infighting lessens, and everyone benefits.
Now that you have considered the above, I ask you again Can you really not afford to take one day’s time in the upcoming weeks to attend one of the sales seminars in your area and invest in a better sales team? I hope the answer is that you CAN afford it and take the next step towards greater revenue and a brighter future for your business.