Top 15 Best Selling Practices
Top 15 Best Sales Practices – Excel at them with Asher Sales Consultancy Services
A company trying to get its sales division off the ground can spend a small fortune in training seminars, developing excellent sales processes, and investing in the latest customer relationship management (CRM) software.
Despite this, results might disappoint, with slower than anticipated revenue growth thanks to a still-sluggish sales pipeline.
Assuming the training, processes and software are sound, we have discovered there are two main reasons this can occur:
The current team has the wrong people in the wrong roles
There is lack of buy-in among team members
How Asher sales consultancy services help avoid these pitfalls
The first issue stated above, having the wrong people in the wrong roles, is a major cause of sales problems. Even in top-producing companies, over a third of the sales force does not have the natural aptitude to reliably achieve good results in sales.
For B2B sales of complex, high-dollar solutions, each of these wrong hires can cost a company six figures in hiring expenses, training, and opportunity costs.
Asher’s solution is to approach this problem from a neutral, unbiased viewpoint that can only be achieved through an outside sales consultancy service like ours. This solution is to put the right people in the right roles through aptitude testing, before tackling the rest of the sales organization’s issues.
The second issue, lack of buy-in, is also solved through our sales consultancy services by demonstrating the value of each change to the entire hierarchy, from the C-suite to end users. Trying to achieve this by yourself is usually a losing proposition, as many personal opinions and resistance can spring up among staff when trying to implement change.
We leverage the fact that people tend to respond better to those they perceive as neutral third-parties, especially those with long track records of success like Asher sales consultants.
We also ensure staff and managers feel personally invested, and that they contribute to the company’s success, by inviting their participation in implementing 15 best practices to boost their results.
The Top 15 Best Practice Marketing, Sales and Customer Relationship Processes
Asher Strategies has distilled best practices, gleaned from years of real-world B2B sales training and government sales experience, into 15 processes that will powerfully transform any sales organization that uses them.
The areas addressed are:
Selection (using aptitude assessments) and training of customer-facing people
Account-management/customer-care policies
Customer feedback
Strategic planning
Strategic marketing
Internet marketing
Using CRM strategies to become customer-centric
Management of salespeople
Customer-focused newsletters
Marketing messages
Prioritization of opportunities
20-step new-business capture process
Sales process
Sales presentations
It is not enough to simply know what the processes are. They have to be brought up to at least minimum standards with most being at a “best practice” level of development. At the same time, your entire sales team and management has to be trained on the 15 processes for maximum benefit — exactly what we do with our B2B sales training courses.
This is how buy-in is achieved. Coupled with the aptitude testing mentioned earlier, this produces an unbeatable sales team.
Asher Strategies can help you achieve sales results beyond your expectations. Call us today to get started on creating your winning sales team and taking revenues to the next level.
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B2B Sales Training Resources:
Unique B2B Sales Training
B2B Sales Training is Different
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Understanding the B2B Buying Process
3 Secrets to Winning Proposals
5 Characteristics of B2B Hunters, Closers and Farmers
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B2B Sales Training Program Case Studies

Your sales training is responsible for the 60% increase in sales and 70% increase in profits our organization enjoyed during the past year.