Customer Centric CRM Strategies

Let ASHER Sales Consulting Services Help Implement CRM Strategies to Become Customer-Centric

When adjusting from a product-oriented sales organization to a customer-centric one, customer relationship management (CRM) processes and software take on great importance. In fact, the CRM system is so important, it should not be implemented without buy-in from the entire company, especially top management.

Without complete buy-in, the system breaks down and vital data is kept on spreadsheets or yellow sticky notes, rather than entered into the shared database where it can be used for maximum impact.

This is where sales consulting services like Asher Strategies come in. Not only can we help implement a CRM solution and devise a strategy for getting maximum ROI from the system, we can also help show your sales team the value of CRM and how it truly saves them time and effort so they can focus on making more money.

Automate and gain insight through CRM strategies

CRM tools provide many benefits to adopters, including:

  • More time spent engaging with prospects and less with manual administrative tasks
  • Track customers in every interaction they have with a member of the team, improving internal communication about them
  • Better anticipate the needs of customers and improve service
  • Provide competitive intelligence by accumulating what all salespeople know about the competition
  • Standardize and automate the majority of your customer service and marketing tasks, including email campaigns, newsletters, birthday greetings, and more
  • Keep salespeople compliant with your formal sales process and best practices by nudging them to do the next step at the appropriate time
  • Integrate with help desk functions for better account management and customer loyalty
  • Sales forecasting accuracy

How to successfully implement CRM in your company

As mentioned earlier, buying a CRM package is only the beginning. The most important part is to successfully integrate it into your organization. In some companies, the culture might be hard to change, and many end-users will mistakenly assume CRM’s will result in more work, not less. This will frustrate any efforts to get the system widely adopted.

A sales consulting service like Asher can do most of the heavy lifting in getting end-user buy-in. We will work with you to develop a plan which might include some of the following:

  • Get all departments involved in the process of designing/selecting a CRM tool
  • Require all managers to use the system, to show a good example to everyone else
  • Have the sales managers themselves train the salespeople on the CRM software
  • Use respected employees to pilot the system before the rest of the team
  • Roll out the most salesperson-friendly functions first to get them “hooked” and wanting more
  • Monitor and incentivize use of the CRM system
  • Penalize those who refuse to use CRM

Cloud or on-site?

Another thing sales consulting services can help with is deciding whether an on-site platform works best for your company or whether a cloud-based CRM offering makes more sense.

  • On-site solutions offer great security and total control over the customer data. However, IT resources can get tied up in solving CRM issues rather than working on business-building tasks.
  • Cloud solutions offer the flexibility of being accessible everywhere — even mobile devices. This can greatly improve efficiency for salespeople out in the field. However, this also creates the risk that customer data might be compromised.

Asher Strategies’ sales consulting services will take away much of the pain of moving to a customer-centric model, including setting up and getting employees to use a CRM software.

If you are struggling in this area, allow us to put together a proposal to solve this. Over 50,000 salespeople and well over 1,000 companies that have availed themselves of our solutions can attest to our effectiveness.

We’ve helped them improve their sales operations to make more money. Now give your company a turn!


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