The Five New Skills Sales Professionals Need

John talks about the 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 rule. People are interacting with buyers 1/3 of the time in person, 1/3 of the time on a remote platform like Zoom or the final 1/3 of buyers are just buying themselves on companies’ websites, eCommerce sites, interactive portals, sometimes even mobile apps. All that face-to-face we were doing before is not going to be available in the future. And we ask the buyers, “Do you like this new omnichannel way of buying?” They’ll say, “Yeah, we, we love it. In many cases, it’s, we’re much more productive.”
In this discussion, John talks about the 5 new skills all sales professionals must possess. You’ll want to listen to this more than once.
- Thorough research on the buyer’s need.
- Consistent video marketing.
- Increasing the operational proficiency on the VC platforms.
- Keeping your LinkedIn profile totally up to date eight.
- Putting the buyer first.