Overcoming Negative Perceptions About Your Company

In the corporate world, we are constantly thinking about image. We analyze how are perceived by others, both negatively and positively. As forward thinkers, our culture tends to highlight the positive perceptions and push the negative under the rug. I can tell you that if you sincerely care about your image as a whole, sweeping disapproving remarks under the rug is your first mistake. Negative perceptions of your company are a “speed bump” that cannot be overcome by ignoring them.

Let’s say you are talking to a prospective client and their main objection is that a partner of theirs had a poor experience with another employee from your team. What do you say? Here are a few tips to mend that worry:

  1. While acknowledging the problem, take personal responsibility for the issue at hand (if appropriate). Be sincere in your address and show them how you personally will ensure that your client has a positive experience.
  2. Describe the solution honestly. How was the underlying process resolved so that it won’t happen again? Maybe talk about how management got involved and there won’t be any more problems.
  3. Show proof. To demonstrate real improvement, show metrics. In addition, demonstrate real live positive enforcement by presenting delighted client testimonial letters about you and your company’s service.

Once the prospective client knows that you have a personal investment in the cause, you can really speak to their concern. In this case, it’s highly important to not just “say”, but “do”. Once you have jumped the hurdle of the negative perception, you can get on track for showing the prospect how your services will help them.

How has your company overcame a negative remark? How often do you address a negative perception about your company? For more guidance about how to overcome this topic, contact us today.



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