Keeping up with technological advancements is part of the job for most business roles. It can be hard to reach customers in the absolute best way possible if you’re not closely watching the everchanging technology landscape. There are some tools that are specific to the craft of selling, and as virtual selling has put an … New Technology for Selling Virtually
ASHER Top 10 Sales Trends for 2020
1. The concept of a “unique selling proposition” (USP) is increasing in importance. If the buyer’s old decision making brain doesn’t see a clear difference between your company and the competition, price becomes the only discriminator. If your company has a strong USP, price does not enter the discussion. 2. When companies are selling commodities, … ASHER Top 10 Sales Trends for 2020
Online Sales Training Success
Recent events have made online sales training more important than ever. Until the coronavirus pandemic is over, it remains the only form of meaningful personal sales training for many salespeople and executives across the country. I recently recorded an episode for our Asher Sales Podcast called “Seven Elements of Crazy Good Online Sales Training” where … Online Sales Training Success
4 Little-Known but Effective Mobile Apps to Increase Salesperson Productivity
What’s your relationship with your smartphone like? Are you, like many Americans, practically addicted to it? Or do you check it only a couple of times a day and have a bare minimum of apps installed? Whatever your current usage, your smartphone can turn into a sales productivity booster and sales training tool with the … 4 Little-Known but Effective Mobile Apps to Increase Salesperson Productivity
Key Ingredients for a Successful Sales Process – 10 Steps
A pre-employment aptitude assessment will help identify the best prospects for inside and outside sales positions. That is just the first step in building a winning sales team. In order to focus all that raw talent and capture significant market share, you need a clear and effective sales process for them to follow. With a … Key Ingredients for a Successful Sales Process – 10 Steps
Four Power Negotiating Tactics for Salespeople
“In business, you don’t get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate.” – Chester L. Karrass Negotiation is part of closing every deal. It’s a cousin to handling objections and has its own specific tactics for success. In this post I will cover four great ones you can use no matter your negotiation style. … Four Power Negotiating Tactics for Salespeople
Creating content is not enough: how to amplify to increase your sales reach
When hiring sales talent, recruiters are increasingly looking for salespeople who can build their personal brands and do some marketing on their own. For the individual salesperson, this generally means blogging, videos, LinkedIn and other social media. One challenge is the Internet is absolutely flooded with content, which makes even the best-written post or smartly-produced … Creating content is not enough: how to amplify to increase your sales reach
The Hidden Factors of Sales Success: What Lies Beneath Greatness
There is a great article in Rough Notes, a trade magazine for the insurance industry, author Roger Sitkins talks about the “Sales Iceberg.” He describes this as: “…an analogy between icebergs and success in sales. The sale itself is what people notice because it’s above the waterline…conversely, few people consider the behaviors and strategies that … The Hidden Factors of Sales Success: What Lies Beneath Greatness
Scared to give a speech? How Corporate Keynote Speakers Prepare for Success
Every salesperson is tasked with presenting their solutions to potential buyers. Sometimes this involves just one buyer, but in the B2B and government sales world this usually means multiple people such as a group of executives or a buying committee. This can cause problems for salespeople uncomfortable with public speaking. Some salespeople become overwhelmingly anxious … Scared to give a speech? How Corporate Keynote Speakers Prepare for Success
5 myths about pre-employment testing you shouldn’t believe
Pre-employment testing such as the APQ sales aptitude assessment, DISC, PI, CI, etc. are used by many companies as a screening and development tool. Despite widespread availability, there are still plenty of firms yet to adopt them as part of their hiring process. For the most part, the reasons for this are lack of awareness … 5 myths about pre-employment testing you shouldn’t believe