5 Top Telephone Sales Tips for Success

In an age where e-mail, text messages, status updates and tweets have replaced much verbal communication, even between family members a mere several feet away from each other, the good old-fashioned telephone call might seem to be obsolete as a sales tool. Rather than making cold calls to drum up some quick appointments, salespeople are 5 Top Telephone Sales Tips for Success

Developing a Killer Selling Strategy and Bringing In New, Quality Prospects

Although the value of formal sales training is known to most organizations, managers can often observe a lack of follow through after attendees come home from those pricey seminars. This doesn’t mean that they didn’t learn anything — it could simply indicate that these newly-trained salespeople “know the notes but cannot play the tune.” What Developing a Killer Selling Strategy and Bringing In New, Quality Prospects

Training for Best-Practices in Sales

Businesses are built on rigorous systems, information and processes.  It is a waste of time, energy and money to re-invent the wheel and to operate on assumptions. When something is working, smart people document, study and repeat the process. The most common way to measure the most successful approaches to training for sales is by Training for Best-Practices in Sales