Sales Playbook: 10 Key Items to Include

A master salesperson never stops learning; he refines and adapts his techniques to be ready for any situation and prospect. However, the basic and best practices of top salespeople can be learned early and should be collected and distributed to a sales team in the form of a sales playbook. Every sales department leader should Sales Playbook: 10 Key Items to Include

How to use your entire organization for sales and marketing process improvement

Whether employees directly sell products and services or not, managers should develop the attitude that they nonetheless are “selling” the company at all times, no matter if they are secretaries, the computer guy, or service desk workers. The customer can be inspired to buy based on any exposure — and that exposure should reinforce the How to use your entire organization for sales and marketing process improvement

Learn How to Sell From How You Buy – Matching Your Sales Process to the Buyers Process

Modern buyers are not as dependent on salespeople as before. They self-educate, research and meticulously compare when it comes to product and brand information online. Because of this, salespeople are involved less and less in the early stages of the buying cycle for most B2B prospects. In fact, according to the Corporate Executive Board (CEB) company, buyers are 57 percent done with the sales process before seeking out a salesperson.  To combat Learn How to Sell From How You Buy – Matching Your Sales Process to the Buyers Process

Sales Training Programs by Asher

Asher Strategies has executed sales training programs for well over 50,000 sales professionals in more than 1,200 companies, across many industries. Through training such a diverse group of people, we’ve received feedback on what works for different sales organizations and have developed solutions to meet those different needs.  Here is a brief rundown of some of the most popular sales training programs we offer. Sales Training Programs by Asher

How to Improve Sales in 5 Easy Ways

You know, sales isn’t as hard as you might think. The fundamentals are few. It’s the application that leaves a lot to be desired. That is where sales training comes in. Trainers like myself mostly work on motivating people to apply a handful of skills, many of which they already know. Most of the barriers How to Improve Sales in 5 Easy Ways

The Power of Webinars in Sales

Low-cost and easy-to-produce, webinars can expand a business and increase sales revenues in multiple ways.  Delivering high-demand and high-caliber content, these live presentations have the potential to create both current and residual revenue because they can be recorded and later posted on slide-friendly or video-friendly social media, such as Slideshare or YouTube. They can also The Power of Webinars in Sales