Handling Objections

When we hear the beginnings of an objection, our first instinct is to feel rejected. We feel that objection equates to negativity. We shut off and assume the buyer is uninterested. But what if we started to look at objection as a pathway to refining. What if we looked at objection as constructive criticism? When Handling Objections

Understanding your buyer’s fears

Now that you’ve acknowledged a salesperson’s two biggest fears (product knowledge and rejection), it’s time to think about what types of fears your buyer has. Believe it or not, you’re not the only one that is anxious about the ordeal. In fact, the buyer’s biggest fear is that they don’t fully understand the value of Understanding your buyer’s fears

Stop talking and start listening!

Even though it may seem like the conversation between you and your buyer is an equal give-and-take, you’re probably talking too much. Start using your ears and you’ll see results like you’ve never seen. Take it straight from the buyer: according to Amacon, 95% of buyers think you talk too much. But there’s still hope! Stop talking and start listening!

The Power of Questioning

We do it everyday. We engage in conversation and inevitably ask questions to understand the other individual. The power of question holds a lot of gravity, especially when getting to know your buyer. Fully understanding their needs comes from proposing a series of strategic questions and holding onto their answers. Once you understand what their The Power of Questioning

Solution Selling

The next time you’re in the process of a sale – ask yourself, “What am I really selling?” Most of the time, your obvious answer will be the product or service that you represent. Sure, the product will address their immediate needs but keep in mind that the buyer is always thinking long-term. They want Solution Selling

Becoming a trusted advisor

Sure, you make your sales quota every month. You are pretty well educated in your field and an expert in related fields. But what distinguishes you from the top salespeople? The top salespeople are trusted by the buyer to help advise them on any questions they may have. A customer knows that a top salesperson Becoming a trusted advisor

Building Rapport

To generate new clients and retain your existing ones, there is an essential need to connect. There are many tips for building rapport but they must all be grounded in a very real and authentic desire to build trust. People can smell genuineness from a mile away, so there’s no real “faking it” in this Building Rapport

First Impressions

You never get a second chance to make a first impression First impressions occur on a very subconscious level and are quickly set in stone. When meeting someone new, we’ve only got a short amount of time to start things off right. According to Zig Ziglar, it takes just 7 seconds for a first impression First Impressions