Tips for Selling to International Buyers

With an increasingly global marketplace, salespeople encounter international buyers on a regular basis. While this presents an excellent opportunity to expand territory and sales, it also comes with the possibility of miscommunication or even offending those you try to do business with if their culture is not understood. Here are some marketing and sales tips Tips for Selling to International Buyers

Five Useful Sales Tips Blogs to Follow

The Internet is like an enormous encyclopedia, with close to 15 billion indexed pages as of this writing. This sounds great, until you realize that in order to find something useful, you might have to slog through a lot of irrelevant content. Sales tips blogs are no exception, and a query of “sales tips” returns Five Useful Sales Tips Blogs to Follow

5 Top Telephone Sales Tips for Success

In an age where e-mail, text messages, status updates and tweets have replaced much verbal communication, even between family members a mere several feet away from each other, the good old-fashioned telephone call might seem to be obsolete as a sales tool. Rather than making cold calls to drum up some quick appointments, salespeople are 5 Top Telephone Sales Tips for Success

Developing a Killer Selling Strategy and Bringing In New, Quality Prospects

Although the value of formal sales training is known to most organizations, managers can often observe a lack of follow through after attendees come home from those pricey seminars. This doesn’t mean that they didn’t learn anything — it could simply indicate that these newly-trained salespeople “know the notes but cannot play the tune.” What Developing a Killer Selling Strategy and Bringing In New, Quality Prospects

How to Increase Sales in 2013

In most business markets, we are in a culture of rapidly changing, buying and selling rules. 2013 will be a banner year for changing trends and your sales teams will have to adapt rapidly. This post looks at 4 Major Sales Trends for 2013 and Sales Process Improvements you can implement to increase your company’s How to Increase Sales in 2013