3 Questions to Ask When Choosing a CRM Software Solution Provider

One of the most important tools for a company seeking to become customer-focused, instead of product-focused, is customer relationship management (CRM) software. For many businesses, CRM software is their central platform for customer data, marketing campaigns, customer service notes, sales forecasting, and pipeline management — forming the core of all sales activities. With so many 3 Questions to Ask When Choosing a CRM Software Solution Provider

Solution Selling: Beyond the Buzzword

Sales trainers love buzzwords. From the ubiquitous “trusted advisor,” to the (thankfully) retired “interfacing,” to the relatively new “challenger sales” and “insight sales,” it seems that there is always some new term that pops up that promises to revolutionize sales and wash the slate clean of the old methods. A bit of critical thinking reveals Solution Selling: Beyond the Buzzword

Top Sales Tips for New B2B Salespeople

For salespeople coming from the B2C (business-to-consumer) world, B2B (business-to-business) sales requires adjusting and adopting a slightly different skill set. The high dollar values involved usually make the extra work worth it, but also makes B2B sales even more competitive than B2C sales. Here are some top sales tips for new B2B salespeople. 1. Dress Top Sales Tips for New B2B Salespeople

The Best Way to More Sales is…

If there is one common dominator in sales success; one approach which is so foolproof that is should be etched in marble monuments and made the first thing anyone learns before even thinking about becoming a professional salesperson, it is the sentence below. Are you ready to learn THE BIG SECRET, the one which top The Best Way to More Sales is…