Digital Marketing: Tips for 2014

From Facebook to Procter & Gamble, more companies are throwing their advertising dollars at digital marketing, reducing commitment to other ad forms, particularly print. The trend capitalizes on the unstoppable expansion of website and mobile ads. Digital ads flexibly rely on social media, apps, online video, electronic mail and other Web tools to engage audiences. Digital Marketing: Tips for 2014

How to Keep Your Sales Team Motivated

Aborted deals, failed presentations, customer resistance and losing a deal to a competitor are natural hazards of any sales job. Yet, positive energy is so essential to winning over the next customer that salespeople can’t afford to get the blues. The best sales people are self-motivated, but let’s face it: there are times when everyone How to Keep Your Sales Team Motivated

7 Mistakes Most Salespeople Make

Technique and tone are key to artfully closing a sale. Despite years of on the job experience, however, many salespeople never truly master their skills. One of the barriers which cause this is when a salesperson thinks he knows everything already and doesn’t need any more training. Without continuous training, however, even veterans commit needless 7 Mistakes Most Salespeople Make

Your Best Salespeople May NOT Work In Sales.

In my long career as a sales trainer, I have come across many best salespeople in diverse industries that shared a similar story: when they embarked upon the search for a career, sales was the last profession they considered. Many started in other jobs and simply “ended up in sales somehow,” often even outperforming  longtime veterans at their new firms. How is Your Best Salespeople May NOT Work In Sales.

Great Tips from the Late Mr. Zig Ziglar

A motivational marvel, Mr. Zig Ziglar is author of “Closing the Sale,” a must-read for any salesperson or sales manager of any age.  The amazing thing about Ziglar is that he had a natural instinct for persuasion and finding the right trigger to motivate people. He understood that marketers sell not just the product, but Great Tips from the Late Mr. Zig Ziglar