How CRM Saves Sales When a Salesman Leaves

With advances in cloud technologies and Software-as-a-Service affordability, CRM is quickly shifting from a luxury for large businesses to an essential. Though choosing and implementing a CRM sales solution for your business has its difficulties, the long term benefits are indisputable. One of the most useful aspects of CRM is keeping accounts (and revenue) in How CRM Saves Sales When a Salesman Leaves

Does HR Help You Hire Star Salespeople?

Training, tools and proper processes will help any sales team improve. Unfortunately, there is one major consideration that you have no control over—sales aptitude. Some people are simply better at sales than others are. Any firm who has hired a dud is painfully aware of this. Poor performers suck the energy out of a sales Does HR Help You Hire Star Salespeople?

How Social Media Selling Can Help You Up-Sell Current Customers

Since the sales business is the relationship business, social media can significantly increase upsales for current customers. Social platforms encourage steady, repetitive and interactive relationships with customers – but in a low-pressure, fast and enjoyable way. Salespeople can share advice, stories, product updates, product research and sales promotions. They can also solicit feedback from current How Social Media Selling Can Help You Up-Sell Current Customers

5 Innovative Ways to Get Your Sales and Marketing Teams Playing the Same Sheet of Music

Divisions between marketing and sales departments can result in reduced revenue, poor lead development and unsatisfied customers.  Many companies are embracing unique methods to align both teams. Here are five major trends: 1.       Combined Sales and Marketing Teams Moving away from the standard division of labor, companies, like Comcast, are successfully blending marketing and sales 5 Innovative Ways to Get Your Sales and Marketing Teams Playing the Same Sheet of Music

Learn How to Sell From How You Buy – Matching Your Sales Process to the Buyers Process

Modern buyers are not as dependent on salespeople as before. They self-educate, research and meticulously compare when it comes to product and brand information online. Because of this, salespeople are involved less and less in the early stages of the buying cycle for most B2B prospects. In fact, according to the Corporate Executive Board (CEB) company, buyers are 57 percent done with the sales process before seeking out a salesperson.  To combat Learn How to Sell From How You Buy – Matching Your Sales Process to the Buyers Process

Sales Training Programs by Asher

Asher Strategies has executed sales training programs for well over 50,000 sales professionals in more than 1,200 companies, across many industries. Through training such a diverse group of people, we’ve received feedback on what works for different sales organizations and have developed solutions to meet those different needs.  Here is a brief rundown of some of the most popular sales training programs we offer. Sales Training Programs by Asher

How to Improve Sales in 5 Easy Ways

You know, sales isn’t as hard as you might think. The fundamentals are few. It’s the application that leaves a lot to be desired. That is where sales training comes in. Trainers like myself mostly work on motivating people to apply a handful of skills, many of which they already know. Most of the barriers How to Improve Sales in 5 Easy Ways