Reasons to Walk Away From a Sale

Professional sales training emphasizes that salespeople should have a high degree of “stick-to-it-ness,” meaning that getting hit with objections or flat-out rejection should not dissuade them from continuing to try to make the sale. In fact, they are taught that objections are actually milestones along the route to getting the final “yes,” as they show Reasons to Walk Away From a Sale

How to Find Competent Sales People

A significant amount of time, effort and money is wasted annually by sales organizations in recruiting, sales coaching, and eventually losing individuals that, while seemingly good candidates at first, never really had the “right stuff” to achieve lasting sales success with their companies. While some of this has to do with a mismatch in culture, How to Find Competent Sales People

The Art of Steering the Prospect to the Close by Being a Trusted Advisor

Salespeople acting as “trusted advisors” might be frowned upon by some corporate sales training professionals, misconstruing the term to mean taking a roundabout, feeble approach to selling. This is erroneous — the whole point of advising the client is to ensure they succeed in their endeavors by making the right purchasing decisions. If a particular The Art of Steering the Prospect to the Close by Being a Trusted Advisor

The Five Deadly Habits that Kill Sales

Sales coaching is a fluid, dynamic field that needs to be responsive to both changing technology and the mercurial tastes and sophistication of buyers. Despite the constant refinement of techniques necessary to be successful, there are several basic truths in sales that have always held true, and will always hold true, no matter what is The Five Deadly Habits that Kill Sales