Can Shy People Become Sales Superstars?

It’s true that sales depend heavily on personal interaction. A common misconception which stems from this fact is this: only those who are naturally outspoken can make the big bucks in sales. However, the truth is that there are many different types of sales, and therefore different personality types can succeed as salespeople as long Can Shy People Become Sales Superstars?

Sales Aptitude Testing for Beginners

Sales aptitude testing is an indispensable part of sales improvement. According to Craft Systems, 50 percent of outside salespeople’s results are attributable to their natural talent for the job. This is a sobering statistic for sales trainers like myself, but the good news is that it allows us to build better teams through testing and Sales Aptitude Testing for Beginners

The Five Characteristics of Super Salespeople – Is Natural Talent a Myth?

The cost of hiring the wrong salesperson can be substantial, even for companies that do not pay a base or draw against commissions. Once advertising, trade shows, hiring bonuses, training expenses and lost revenue opportunities are tallied, the price tag for each failed salesperson can reach many thousands of dollars, even potentially reaching six figures The Five Characteristics of Super Salespeople – Is Natural Talent a Myth?