Most buyers do not consider salespeople to be “safe” as they know salespeople want their money. “Action Selling” tells us that buyers make five decisions when buying products and services and they ALWAYS make them in the same order. First: They have to “buy” the salesperson. Second: They have to buy the salesperson’s company as … Importance of Rapport Building Using Cognitive Biases
Sales Synergy: Integrating Hunters and Farmers for Optimal Performance
In the dynamic world of sales, success often hinges on the ability to leverage the unique strengths of different types of sales professionals. Two of the most prominent archetypes in this realm are the “Hunter” and the “Farmer.” By integrating these complementary roles within a sales team, businesses can achieve a synergy that drives optimal … Sales Synergy: Integrating Hunters and Farmers for Optimal Performance
Why Sales Ability Assessment Tests Are Necessary
In the competitive world of sales, the key to success often lies in having the right people with the right skills in the right roles. This is where sales ability assessment tests come into play. These tests are not just a tool for hiring but a strategic asset that can transform your sales team’s performance … Why Sales Ability Assessment Tests Are Necessary
A Customized, Proven ‘Sales Improvement Roadmap’ to Take your Organization to the Next Level
Sales Improvement That Works A challenge in sales organizations is deciding exactly what sales improvement approach should be taken that will provide the greatest bang for the buck. After all, there are quite a few ways to improve sales, the most basic being training individual salespeople in the basics of selling. However, this sometimes doesn’t … A Customized, Proven ‘Sales Improvement Roadmap’ to Take your Organization to the Next Level
Professional Sales Training and Sales Coaching from Asher Strategies
Sales Coaching is effective and efficient way to grow a sales team? At Asher Strategies we believe – after years of studying what distinguishes the top 4% of sales people – that the ability to access natural talent absolutely is one of the abilities a Sales Team Developer must possess. Yet we’ve also found that … Professional Sales Training and Sales Coaching from Asher Strategies
How Asher Strategies Sales Process Consulting Transforms Your Top Line!
If you are anything like the top management professionals in the majority of today’s industries, you are likely familiar with some of your industry’s top sales performers. Chances are, you have access to or are, at the very least, familiar with your competitors’ top lines. To stay competitive it is necessary that you compare your … How Asher Strategies Sales Process Consulting Transforms Your Top Line!
Sales Closing Techniques & Sales Improvement
The Top 15 Best Practice Sales, Marketing and Customer Relationship Processes for Companies Serious About Sales Development We at Asher Strategies know the most effective and efficient way to spur sales now and into the future is through an overhaul of your Sales Process Management. What are your Sales Division’s strengths? And weaknesses? On a … Sales Closing Techniques & Sales Improvement
Twenty Things About Elite Salespeople. How Many Do You Practice?
They are product experts. They know the ins and outs of what they sell, as well as their competitors’ offering and their customers’ businesses as well. They are born with a natural talent for selling. They have sold their entire lives even if they do not realize it (parents, teachers, friends, etc.) They have had … Twenty Things About Elite Salespeople. How Many Do You Practice?
Benefits of Hiring a Sales Consulting Firm
When sales revenue starts to decline or plateau it can become very frustrating for business leaders and CEOs. Even if your revenue is growing, maybe you just don’t feel like your company is living up to its full potential. Regardless of your situation sometimes it just feels like you have exhausted every strategy and still … Benefits of Hiring a Sales Consulting Firm
How to Become a Top Sales Consultant
Success doesn’t usually happen overnight. Although we know this to be true, it can be challenging to nail down an actionable plan that will launch us to the top of our career. Many of us have solid career goals in mind; titles we see ourselves advancing to or accomplishments we are working towards, but there … How to Become a Top Sales Consultant