You get what you pay for, and this includes top sales training programs versus the low budget ones. You can save a bit of money by using a new firm trying to enter the market with low prices, and risk losing your investment if the training is subpar. Same with sending salespeople to a community … Why Top Sales Training Programs are Worth the Money
All Top Sales Training Programs Excel With These Three Ingredients
Top sales training programs do more than just present information once and let salespeople loose without further guidance. The majority of your training investment is wasted if you buy a program which does this, as very few people can absorb and apply information the first time they hear it. In fact, most of us forget … All Top Sales Training Programs Excel With These Three Ingredients
3 Key Things to Avoid Hosting Boring Sales Seminars
Have your past sales seminars been snooze-fests? Whether they were small affairs held in company conference rooms or mega-productions complete with stage lights and enormous video screens, perhaps you felt the trainers could have done a better job in holding the audience’s attention. Since this problem occurs with both simple setups and elaborate ones, the … 3 Key Things to Avoid Hosting Boring Sales Seminars
2019 Sales Training Workshops Best Practices for Your Business
You want to close deals faster and increase revenue in 2019, right? Sales training workshops could be the key to achieving that goal. I know you have several options, from employing ASHER or the many others easily found through Google or Bing searches. In this post, I will give you some best practices for selecting … 2019 Sales Training Workshops Best Practices for Your Business
John Asher Featured Keynote Speaker at NBDA Event
How to be a More Persuasive Business Developer. Neuroscience Sales Techniques that Trigger a Buy Decision October 16, 2018 | 11:30 am – 1:00 pm Learn how neuroscience holds the secret to understanding your buyer and why they do (or do not) buy. This isn’t just theory, but proven guidance on specific sales techniques you … John Asher Featured Keynote Speaker at NBDA Event
Why A Sales Speaker Makes Sense
Every day, in conferences, seminars, and summits the world over, keynote speakers deliver informative and motivational talks to audiences in every possible industry. Many of these speakers are big names in business, sports, television, or literature. Most are excellent and deserve every penny earned for their speaking engagement. However, sales and marketing speakers might represent … Why A Sales Speaker Makes Sense
3 Powerful Sales Closing Techniques Taught by Famous Keynote Speakers
I have enjoyed being a keynote speaker for several years and attendees always seem to want some kind of magical sales closing techniques which will help them close deals faster. As you probably can guess, there is no magic. It takes a lot of skill and work to close sales, and no single technique works … 3 Powerful Sales Closing Techniques Taught by Famous Keynote Speakers
Teach Your Sales Team These Two New Marketing Tricks
Marketing and sales go hand in hand. The functions of these departments often overlap, and I have worked with some firms where there is no real distinction – the sales department is the marketing department for all intent and purposes. That being said, marketing speakers are just as valuable for salespeople as they are for … Teach Your Sales Team These Two New Marketing Tricks
Using APQ for Coaching – 3 Great Tips
There’s no doubt the APQ Sales Aptitude Assessment stacks the odds in your favor when selecting qualified sales candidates. It checks the candidate’s scores against the ideal ranges for a wide range of job roles, thus determining suitability for positions such as outside sales hunter, farmer, CSR, or sales manager. This reduces bias in the … Using APQ for Coaching – 3 Great Tips
3 Ways Virtual Refresher Training Can Boost Your Sales Training Workshop Effectiveness
Sales training workshops tend to be a one-off affair, or at best a yearly event for most firms. Many dedicated salespeople attend several per year, but for a large number this is not possible due to economics or logistics. Therefore, it pays to maximize the results obtained by the training investment. One way to do … 3 Ways Virtual Refresher Training Can Boost Your Sales Training Workshop Effectiveness