Competing in Washington Is Tough! Businesses Need Sales Training to Grow

Doing business in Washington DC can be a lot of fun and very lucrative. Many decision makers exist who can directly turn the cash spigot on for entire industries, or even individual companies. However, it can also be extremely difficult, and many firms stagnate over time or have difficulty getting started in the first place.
The difference between the firms that expand and those that fail to grow is superior execution – and that is why business sales training for Washington businesses is an absolute necessity.
Let’s look at some of the reasons your firm should consider training with Asher Strategies to grow your government sales and prosper for years to come.
Get your foot in the door – learn how with training.
If you thought high school cliques were bad, wait until you get to Washington! Just kidding. But really, it does pay to know who can grease the wheels in getting an appointment with that important player who can greenlight your proposal.
Business sales training in Washington should show you how to develop coaches, or insiders, who can vouch for you, recommend you, or even help close the sale for you in some cases. There is an art to this which Asher Strategies teaches, and without this skill it will be very hard to do business in Washington DC.
Can’t tell the difference between a BFO and a BAFO? Get training.
One of the first things new companies learn when setting up shop in Washington DC is that there is an enormous amount of specialized lingo which comes with the territory. Business sales training in Washington therefore has to teach some of the most important terminology and acronyms used when dealing with the defense industry and government contractors.
Without this knowledge, RFPs will seem undecipherable and you will be unable to prepare bids which meet requirements. Get it right, and you stand a much better chance of landing a multi-million-dollar contract which will keep you afloat for years.
Learn the shortcuts with training
Speaking of contracts and bids, there might seem to be so much red tape involved in chasing government business that its hardly worth it. However, at Asher Strategies, we can teach you a few shortcuts to help you speed up the process. We have the experience, with several key personnel being past government contractors and military veterans ourselves.
Business sales training in Washington will help you work through the slog of bureaucracy much more efficiently than you otherwise could. And the more bids you can submit and win, the faster you will grow!
Asher Strategies has worked with some of the leading government contractors to help them grow their businesses. We would love to do the same for you. You can check out our ebook, “10 Secrets to Selling More to the Government” and give us a call to discuss business sales training in Washington in depth