The Top 5 Sales Training Courses in Washington DC – Why Asher is #1

If you do business in the Washington DC area, you probably understand some of the unique challenges of dealing with the business climate here – especially when it comes to dealing with the federal government, vendors, and contractors.

That’s why sales training in Washington DC should be done by firms with a local footprint, who can tailor their offerings to cover the special skills needed here.

Here are a few of the best sales training courses in Washington DC for you to consider.

#5: Dale Carnegie

Dale Carnegie’s name has long been associated with training courses for salespeople and executives. The Mid-Atlantic office offers an assortment of them, from relationship selling to leadership skills to time management.

The Carnegie approach emphasizes interpersonal skills and personal development in order to perform better at work and in life — excellent areas for salespeople to work on. Like Hollywood, DC is a relationship-based town, so training to get better at this aspect of sales is important.

#4: American Management Association

The American Management Association has a solid reputation and counts plenty of Fortune 500 companies on its client roster. It trains in many US cities, including nearby Arlington. It also offers online courses.

In addition to sales training, the Association covers a wide array of business courses. Seminars on project management, IT management, and business writing are some of their offerings.

#3: Sandler Training

Sandler Training is another well-known name in the training world which offers courses in the DC area.

From sales management to leveraging LinkedIn for lead generation, they offer instruction in solving real-world sales issues.

#2: Negotiations Training Institute

To negotiate requires as much art as it does science. Just as salespeople follow certain steps in order to overcome objections and close deals, so do negotiators when trying to set up a win-win.

The skills taught at the Negotiations Training Institute in Washington DC help salespeople solve impasses, resolve conflict, and create value for themselves and their customers.

#1: Asher Strategies

And now, we come to my company, Asher Strategies. I am obviously a bit biased towards our own offerings – but I wouldn’t continue to work here unless I thought we were the best and if I didn’t receive tremendous satisfaction from helping companies meet or exceed their revenue growth goals.

Here are the reasons I think we offer the best sales training courses in Washington DC:

  • We are local. We are headquartered in DC and know the ins and outs of doing business here.
  • We have extensive experience in selling to the government and regularly coach others who want to do business in this arena.
  • Our curriculum covers the best of what other training courses, like the ones above, cover. We have distilled the information so there is little fluff – just the information you need to get results in transforming your sales team.
  • We are a sales organization ourselves. Everybody here “walks the walk,” not just “talks the talk.”

Before you make a final decision in choosing a sales training course in Washington DC, please call us at 866-732-0363. We’d love to throw our hat in the ring and make you a compelling offer.



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