Best Sales Training Seminars | Top Sales Training Programs

Sales training seminars are proven to fire up sales teams and get pipelines humming with viable deals.

So how do you figure out which top sales training programs and seminars will deliver the best ROI?

Here are a few tips, gleaned from both teaching and attending countless corporate sales training seminars over the past three decades.

Sales training that offers real world applicability

The best sales training seminars should give easily digestible and applicable nuggets that salespeople can use in the real world to get results NOW — without requiring an advanced degree in psychology or astrophysics.

This doesn’t discount sales training seminars which incorporate advanced theories such as neurolinguistics programming (NLP), but the material needs to be taught in a way you can actually use it once back at the office.

Familiarity with your industry

Todd Duncan is an extremely well known sales trainer in one particular industry: mortgage banking. In fact, he is probably the top trainer in that field.
Why? He has extensive experience in that industry, so he can “speak the language” and provide answers the common pitfalls loan originators face on a day-to-day basis. This helps improve the quality of the training and the ROI for attendees.

Make sure that whoever is leading your sales training seminars has at least some familiarity with your industry, either through direct experience or by studying it before showing up to teach you.

Continuing education and coaching

Let’s face it — we forget most of what we learn at sales training seminars within a few short months, unless something else happens besides the training. What is this something else?

Just as you cannot expect a football coach to train her players for two days and then expect the team to remember those lessons for the rest of the season without further coaching, so goes training sales teams.

The best sales training seminars provide for some means of continuing the training and personalized coaching — either through face-to-face meetings, phone calls, Skype, or a manual for follow-up coaching using in-house personnel.
Otherwise, the training gets wasted.

B2B Sales Focused

B2B has unique challenges. Things like:
• Longer sales cycle
• Multiple decision makers
• Gatekeepers
• Higher altitude of salesperson required
• Bigger stakes
• Complex products and services

The best sales training seminars that deliver real ROI will tackle these unique corporate challenges and prepare salespeople to meet them head-on.

Motivational as well as educational

Your salespeople should be on FIRE after their sales training seminars!

There has to be a motivational aspect to the top sales training program you choose for it to be truly effective. This does not mean your instructor needs to jump all over the stage and become a hot, sweaty mess. It does mean that your instructor need to help your salespeople envision BIG goals and believe they can achieve them thanks to their newfound skills.

If your sales trainer is boring, get a new one — selling should be fun!
Are you ready to change your sales future? Call my team at Asher Strategies at (866) 833-9939 who will set you up with a free consultation. And if you haven’t already, please connect with me on LinkedIn.


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