Only the Best Sales Programs Work – Here’s Why

You could throw a lot of money away by choosing sales training which isn’t a good match for your business — or isn’t good period. And there is a great reason the best sales programs consistently get a large volume of signups and many of their students go on to stellar careers in sales – and the reason is they DELIVER RESULTS.
The best sales programs have a few characteristics in common which you should expect whenever doing your due diligence on a training firm.
The trainers sell constantly in the real world
There are things which simply cannot be taught in a college classroom or learned from a textbook. Often the hard knocks in life are the best teachers, and this wisdom only comes from rolling up one’s sleeves and getting dirty in the trenches.
This is why the best sales programs are almost never found in universities, and why graduates of these programs don’t leave the classroom and start selling up a storm. Most college professors are not involved in running a business day-to-day, so there is too much unworkable theory. However, when your sales trainers actively sell every day to keep their own firms afloat, they are much more in tune with what works and what doesn’t.
The best sales programs have a vested interest in your success
Now, I don’t have anything against college professors, and I will use them again to make my next point. A teacher has students arrive to his classroom from the admissions department. He doesn’t have to go out and sell these students to take his course, nor does his involvement with them extend beyond giving them a grade at the end of the semester. Whether graduates succeed or fail, the admissions department will send him more students the next year.
In contrast, professional sales trainers know that their students had better close some deals in the next couple of weeks or their training firm will go out of business! Trainers not only need to apply their own selling methodologies to get salespeople to buy their training, but they must also create better salespeople that apply what they learn in order to drive referrals and repeat business.
They balance covering the basics with teaching the latest innovations
There are some universal principles which apply to just about every sales transaction. The best sales training programs teach these basics to the new salespeople and refresh these principles for the veterans. These include best practices collected by experts over the decades, such as how to build rapport, specific closes, and the most effective objection handlers.
They also incorporate the latest research and innovations to better apply these basics and close deals faster. For example, at ASHER, we are heavily invested in studying emotional intelligence and what drives decision-making from a biological perspective. There are literally billions of neurons which must activate to make a decision – and the connections they form vary vastly depending on the stimuli received. Knowing this, we teach which ones are the preferred stimuli and cognitive biases that allows salespeople to better connect with buyers and drive more positive outcomes when building rapport, handling objections, etc.
Alright, I hope this gives you some insight into what I feel drives the best sales training programs and that I’ve inspired you to invest in one for yourself or your team.