John Asher

Pre-employment testing such as the APQ sales aptitude assessment, DISC, PI, CI, etc. are used by many companies as a screening and development tool. Despite widespread availability, there are still plenty of firms yet to adopt them as part of their hiring process. For the most part, the reasons for this are lack of awareness 5 myths about pre-employment testing you shouldn’t believe

Are you investing in sales seminars for your salespeople, but neglecting your team leads and managers? If so, you are not alone in this deficiency. According to a survey done by Sales Xceleration, 96 percent of sales managers want sales leadership training, and only 1 in 5 companies budget for it. Rather than select those Sales seminars for sales leaders: worth the investment?

Millennials have received a bad rap as the generation everyone loves to complain about. The stereotype describes them as narcissistic and they have a terrible work ethic. In truth, just about every younger generation gets picked on by older generations who resent change and long for “the good old days,” and Millennials are not exempt Hiring Millennials for sales jobs? What you need to know.

An employment aptitude test can help you hire those most likely to succeed for any given sales role you are trying to fill. By choosing those who possess the personality traits and natural talent for an outside sales hunter or inside farmer, the battle is half-way won already. Once onboarded, however, even the most gifted How to motivate salespeople (extrinsic and intrinsic factors)

In Brian Tracy’s best-selling book The Psychology of Selling: Increase Your Sales Faster and Easier Than You Ever Thought Possible, he posits “The only real creators of wealth in our society are businesses” and “salespeople are the most vital people in any business.” Salespeople make the world go ‘round, from mom and pop shops to The Psychology of Sales: 4 Tips to Become a More Effective Seller

At some point, most salespeople find themselves giving a speech to a room full of people. This might provoke elementary school flashbacks or even outright terror in a few, as delivering a speech in front of a crowd is significantly more stressful than speaking with a buyer one-on-one. However, with some practice and smart planning, Deliver a Better Speech: Secrets from the Best Corporate Keynote Speakers

Many companies accomplish sales force training via sales training workshops. These are valuable services, but sometimes trainees don’t realize the full potential of the training despite the excellence of the instructors and curricula. In previous blog posts, I have covered many things you can do to increase retention and application. These include: Role play Individual How to make sales training workshops more effective by being harder

A few months ago, Netflix began streaming a show featuring Marie Kondo, author of The Lifechanging Art of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing. In the book and on her show, Kondo shares her methodology (KonMari) for organizing and cleaning a home — and her work has become somewhat of a phenomenon. What sales leaders can learn from Marie Kondo

Why Sales Negotiation Skills Are Important

Business speakers, corporate keynote speakers, and sales motivational speakers can captivate and entertain crowds, and they also provide valuable data salespeople can use to increase their business and work more effectively. The speaking industry has grown dramatically thanks to YouTube and social media, which can turn a TED Talk into a viral sensation overnight. This 7 Hot Topics for Today’s Business and Sales Motivational Speakers

Hiring sales talent is one of the more stressful aspects of a sales manager’s or executive’s jobs. In the past they’ve had to rely on far too many opinions, gut instincts, or whether they simply liked how a candidate looks and speaks rather than objective, scientific data such as a sales hiring assessment. Hiring sales 8 Warning Signs When Hiring Sales People


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