John Asher

When thinking of branding, most experts would agree that it is no longer enough to build a brand around a business. Top executives and even sales managers must develop their own personal brands as well. This forms an extension of a company’s brand. This branding is important for future employment opportunities. A sales manager hiring Branding tips for sales managers to increase career success

A brilliant, yet sobering article in the June print issue of Fortune called “Seven Decades of Self-Destruction” relates the downfall of one of the most powerful brands in American retail history: Sears. Millennials might not be too familiar with the brand, but most everyone else remembers anticipating the large catalogs that arrived in the mail Responsibility: do your salespeople take ownership, or do they play the “blame game?”

The attention span of the average buyer is getting shorter. There is so much content being thrown at them that it requires brands to figure out more creative ways to stand out if they want a successful sales and marketing program. All parts of the machine should be optimized. For example, if your sales team Getting attention in a crowded online world: top tips for salespeople and marketers

Research demonstrates that while you can improve a salesperson’s performance through training, the bulk of their success comes from innate personality traits. In other words, there is a lot of truth to the phrase “they are born with it” when it comes to selling. An employment aptitude test such as the Advanced Personality Questionnaire (APQ) How many of these successful salesperson personality traits do you have?

There is a great article in Rough Notes, a trade magazine for the insurance industry, author Roger Sitkins talks about the “Sales Iceberg.” He describes this as: “…an analogy between icebergs and success in sales. The sale itself is what people notice because it’s above the waterline…conversely, few people consider the behaviors and strategies that The Hidden Factors of Sales Success: What Lies Beneath Greatness

Pre-employment testing of all potential hires is useful not only to identify talented sellers, but also those with the right skills to lead salespeople. Selecting a VP of Sales, branch manager, or sales manager is not a light decision. Choose wisely and your ability to scale and increase value accelerates. Choose poorly and you burn Looking for a VP or Director of Sales? What to look when hiring sales leaders.

Effective NLP Techniques

Emotional intelligence for sales success requires learning how buyers react to certain activators and why. When you have this knowledge, you will be more in tune with prospects and close more deals faster. One shortcut for applying EQ is to deliberately work to increase empathy for your buyers. This means to really consider other peoples’ Sales Tactics: 3 Effective NLP Techniques to Boost Your Sales Performance

Corporate Keynote

Every salesperson is tasked with presenting their solutions to potential buyers. Sometimes this involves just one buyer, but in the B2B and government sales world this usually means multiple people such as a group of executives or a buying committee. This can cause problems for salespeople uncomfortable with public speaking. Some salespeople become overwhelmingly anxious Scared to give a speech? How Corporate Keynote Speakers Prepare for Success

Sales training managers are responsible for procuring and managing solutions to improve the selling skills of their employees. While books and videos are very useful, sales training managers also need a formal sales training curriculum led by one or more live instructors. This leads to a choice: either they develop a completely in-house program which Sales Training Managers, are In-house or Third-Party Training Solutions Better?

When we deliver customized sales coaching at ASHER, we sometimes get asked for help with social media selling. While we can share a lot of tips for LinkedIn, one platform which is underutilized in the B2B space is Instagram. Instagram is a giant among social media platforms with over 1 billion active users per month. Do I need an Instagram Business Account? 5 proven tips for success from experts


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