John Asher

Emotional Intelligence

EQ, or Emotional Intelligence, is a hot topic among sales leaders. Word has spread that when it comes to sales success, EQ trumps IQ. This makes the identification of those with natural EQ, and its development in those who lack it, important tasks to boost the effectiveness of any sales team. A pre-employment assessment, such Chapter 5 – Sales Emotional Intelligence

IQ Tests

Employers have a wide variety of assessment options, and the market is predicted to grow – especially for online testing solutions. Readers might wonder: “What is the big difference between a sales aptitude test such as the APQ and all the other very popular sales assessments on the market — or even an old-fashioned IQ Chapter 4: How Sales aptitude is different from traditional pre-employment tests

Work assessments

Pre-employment assessments vary in what they measure. Some are skills-based, such as those which require the test taker to complete job-related tasks. Others measure general problem-solving faculties, a perfect example being the good old-fashioned IQ test. And then there are aptitude tests which seek to predict suitability for certain jobs based on the personality or Chapter 3: How Do They Work?

Benefits of pre-employment assessment

Implementing a pre-employment assessment to test all prospective employees, particularly salespeople, has many benefits. The most obvious one is identifying the best possible candidates for specific job roles, which leads to greater productivity and retention. Testing improves recruitment efforts while avoiding the significant expense (as high as $150,000!) and disruption which accompany a bad hire. Chapter 2: Benefits of pre-employment assessment

AI/Machine Learning

Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter coined the term “creative destruction” in 1942 to describe how technological advances increase productivity in any endeavor but simultaneously destroy part of it as well. At its essence, it means we have to dismantle the current way of thinking and doing things in order to progress – and this means even 3 Reasons AI/Machine Learning Will Never Replace Salespeople

Start making sense

Many buyers no longer seek as much education from company reps as they did before. They can execute much of their research and product discovery online well before talking to a salesperson. Because of the wealth of information available to prospects, salespeople have been pushed much further back in the buying process. Corporate sales training Sell More by Becoming a Subject Matter Expert (SME)

Cold Calling versus Social Selling

For salespeople who enjoy and excel at cold calling, it’s a point of pride to be able to do so comfortably. So many people are turned off by it, yet “dialing for dollars” has been a mainstay of many sales organizations for decades. The ability to cold call is a skill many sales managers and Cold Calling Versus Social Selling: Which one Wins?

Salesperson Engagement

You’ve incorporated a hiring aptitude test into your recruitment line and have assembled what you feel is a top-notch team of sellers. You’ve put them through training and feel you are definitely moving in the right direction. And, you wonder if there is something else you can do to improve your sales department. There is How Strong Is Your Salesperson Engagement, and Why Does it Matter?

What’s your relationship with your smartphone like? Are you, like many Americans, practically addicted to it? Or do you check it only a couple of times a day and have a bare minimum of apps installed? Whatever your current usage, your smartphone can turn into a sales productivity booster and sales training tool with the 4 Little-Known but Effective Mobile Apps to Increase Salesperson Productivity

There are two phases where salespeople are so bogged down in paperwork and other tasks, they have very little time for active selling. The first is when they are starting out, and the second is when they become very successful. In the first phase, many green salespeople would rather do paperwork and organize things instead Time Management: 6 Ways to Get More Sales Time in the Day


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