John Asher

A  company’s sales process management needs to address all steps in the sales cycle, including those which occur well before the appointment, in order to qualify its sales process as a thorough system. Handling gatekeepers is one of these steps — an art form that is not stressed enough. Gatekeepers are defined as the assistants, Gatekeeper: Friend or Foe — It’s Up to You

Of all the objections that salespeople are hit with, the one that seemingly causes the most trouble relates to the price of their offerings. To inexperienced sales staff, phrases such as, “it costs too much” or “we can get it cheaper elsewhere” seem to be solvable only through price reductions, which take a chunk out Overcoming the Dreaded “Price” Objection in Sales

The cost of hiring the wrong salesperson can be substantial, even for companies that do not pay a base or draw against commissions. Once advertising, trade shows, hiring bonuses, training expenses and lost revenue opportunities are tallied, the price tag for each failed salesperson can reach many thousands of dollars, even potentially reaching six figures The Five Characteristics of Super Salespeople – Is Natural Talent a Myth?

After a salesperson gets their foot in the door and moves past the qualification stage, she earns her keep depending largely on what she does during the next stage: presentation. It can be said that here is where true salesmanship most shines, as the salesperson must communicate benefits, features and competitive advantages while holding the “Prove it!” – Smart Strategies for Product Demonstrations

Once salespeople have been trained in the basics of a company’s formal sales process and product offerings, it might be tempting to simply let them out in the field and let them sink or swim. This, however, leads to tremendous waste due to the needless turnover of employees that might have turned into top producers Understanding the Four Personality Types

Of all the objections that salespeople are hit with, the one that seemingly causes the most trouble relates to the price of their offerings. To inexperienced sales staff, phrases such as, “it costs too much” or “we can get it cheaper elsewhere” seem to be solvable only through price reductions, which take a chunk out Overcoming the Dreaded “Price” Objection in Sales

Salespeople acting as “trusted advisors” might be frowned upon by some corporate sales training professionals, misconstruing the term to mean taking a roundabout, feeble approach to selling. This is erroneous — the whole point of advising the client is to ensure they succeed in their endeavors by making the right purchasing decisions. If a particular The Art of Steering the Prospect to the Close by Being a Trusted Advisor

Sales coaching is a fluid, dynamic field that needs to be responsive to both changing technology and the mercurial tastes and sophistication of buyers. Despite the constant refinement of techniques necessary to be successful, there are several basic truths in sales that have always held true, and will always hold true, no matter what is The Five Deadly Habits that Kill Sales

In the sales profession, it is inevitable that even the most promising transactions fall through despite the best efforts of the salesperson. One of the things that separate the top professionals from the lesser ones is how they deal with these failed closes. One can become severely dejected after losing out on a potentially huge How to Recover from a Lost Sale Using the Consultative Sales Process

The cost of hiring the wrong salesperson can be substantial, even for companies that do not pay a base or draw against commissions. Once advertising, trade shows, hiring bonuses, training expenses and lost revenue opportunities are tallied, the price tag for each failed salesperson can reach many thousands of dollars, even potentially reaching six figures The Five Characteristics of Super Salespeople – Is Natural Talent a Myth?


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