John Asher

I consider that an education should last a lifetime, meaning you should never quit learning. Although I have been a sales trainer for a long time, I still consider myself very much a student, and relish finding new things to share with those interested in getting better results and making more money through improved sales 3 Surprising Facts about Salespeople

At Asher Strategies, we believe we are on the cutting edge of sales training. Admittedly, so do many other sales training firms. With so many claims out there , this can lead to not only a confusion in how to select sales training companies, but also to wondering whether sales training really “delivers the goods,” How Sales Training Leads to Greater Profits

The Internet has changed a lot of things, not the least of which is how prospective customers research and make purchases. While some “old-timers” might find this hard to deal with, we at Asher see these changes as training opportunities. Read on for some of the biggest changes the Internet has created in sales, and 3 Ways the Internet Has Changed Sales Forever

Sales forecasting allows salespeople and their managers to form an educated guess as to where they are headed, which in turn allows them to plan using a guide rather than simply “winging it” — a sure recipe for low production. Sales projections take into account past sales figures, and if you are measuring the proper How to Forecast Sales for a Brand New Business, Product, or Service

In the world of sales training, there are lot of opinions on what works and what doesn’t. In reality, the only way to tell is by testing something out personally and seeing if it results in more closed sales, higher commissions, and happier customers. With that being said, there are some sales tips and tricks Sales Tips and Tricks to Avoid

We are about one-third of the way through the year already — how are your sales going? Whatever your answer, I am sure you would love to increase them. This takes smarts, good training and coaching, and lots of motivation. It also requires staying abreast of developments in sales, especially in regards to technology. Who Two Quick Sales Tips for 2013 and Beyond: Cold Calling and Big Data

The Internet is like an enormous encyclopedia, with close to 15 billion indexed pages as of this writing. This sounds great, until you realize that in order to find something useful, you might have to slog through a lot of irrelevant content. Sales tips blogs are no exception, and a query of “sales tips” returns Five Useful Sales Tips Blogs to Follow

Asher wants to help you boost your sales into the stratosphere, and so we take our sales training methodology very seriously. We have distilled the best information, from decades of experience as sales professionals and trainers, to come up with what we believe is the premiere solution for how to improve your sales process: the Need a Bottom Line Boost? Fix Your Sales Process

Sales forecasting is a vital planning tool for any organization. Despite this, many sales managers and their salespeople dread this activity. It might be seen as a waste of time or, worse, a potential threat to one’s employment if projections are way off base when compared with actual results. So, how does one turn sales Sales Forecasting: How to Go From Wishful Thinking to Stellar Results

Sales managers who seek better performance from their salespeople know that “sharpening the saw” is important, and that learning should never cease. Through constant coaching, good salespeople can become superb, leading to greater personal and company success. But which areas should be focused on? An excellent place to start is by reinforcing the The Top 5 Sales Coaching Tips to Make Super Salespeople


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