John Asher

We continue our four-part series on personality types in the workplace with the third category: The Thinker. As the name implies, this type of buyer tends to over analyze everything and therefore requires an extra dose of patience, especially if you are a type-A personality trying to get them to make a quick decision. This Understanding Personality Types in the Workplace: Part 3, “The Thinker”

This is the second part of a four-part series on understanding the different personality types in the workplace. Knowing how each general personality type thinks and reacts to things can go a long way towards building effective rapport and uncovering needs much more easily, two vital components of any sales conversation. We have already talked Understanding Personality Types in the Workplace: Part 2, “The Motivator”

In sales, understanding the different personality types in the workplace, and therefore of the buyers you will encounter, can help improve sales results. After all, if you can better relate to the people you are dealing with, you can probably sell them better, right? While human behavior is full of nuances and everyone is very Understanding Personality Types in the Workplace: Part 1, “The Driver”

If you are a sales manager or executive seeking to totally transform your sales team and really launch your businesses “into the stratosphere,” pay attention, because I am going to tell you exactly how to do it. The first thing is to stop making or accepting excuses for why it can’t be done. It’s not Build a Stellar Sales Force through Aptitude Testing

You have arrived to your sales appointment on time. You are well-groomed and have prepared a solid, gee-whiz presentation on your iPad. After building rapport, you have listened earnestly to the buyer’s responses to your smooth, guiding questions instead of talking the prospect to death. Things are going great — until you try your close. Determining the Closing Point: Learn to Recognize the Buyer’s Shift

Much has been written about the best things to say to close sales. Plenty of that advice is solid and works just fine, so I recommend that salespeople study as much as possible in order to learn new techniques for improving their results. Of equal or greater importance in closing sales is knowing how to Watch for Non-Verbal Cues to Help Close the Sale

One of the most important tools for a company seeking to become customer-focused, instead of product-focused, is customer relationship management (CRM) software. For many businesses, CRM software is their central platform for customer data, marketing campaigns, customer service notes, sales forecasting, and pipeline management — forming the core of all sales activities. With so many 3 Questions to Ask When Choosing a CRM Software Solution Provider

Sales trainers love buzzwords. From the ubiquitous “trusted advisor,” to the (thankfully) retired “interfacing,” to the relatively new “challenger sales” and “insight sales,” it seems that there is always some new term that pops up that promises to revolutionize sales and wash the slate clean of the old methods. A bit of critical thinking reveals Solution Selling: Beyond the Buzzword

In my recent blog post about how to quickly prospect without cold calling, my first tip was to find an immediate networking event to go to. I want to expand upon that with this follow up post, as this is one of the very best ways to drum up business. Every salesperson should become expert How to Get Better Results When Networking

As I mention often when training and consulting, the idea that anyone can sell professionally is nonsense, just like the idea that anyone can play the cello or basketball professionally. While skills can be taught that improve performance somewhat — even in those with little natural sales aptitude — there should be some inherent talent Are You Hiring Salespeople That Will Never Make It?


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