John Asher

It is not hard to figure out that sales training is one of the most valuable tools for increasing productivity and making happier, more efficient employees that directly add to the bottom line. But how do you know whether the sales training chosen has actually paid off in the long run, well after the temporary 5 Ways to Measure Sales Training Effectiveness

Asher Strategies has taught the consultative sales process to well over 50,000 individuals in more than 1,200 firms over the last 35 years, all over the world. Our current expansion into Asia reflects our commitment to serve companies on a global scale and help them overcome today’s sales challenges. But, what exactly is a consultative What is a Consultative Sales Process?

In a perfect world, the C-suite and the sales team work together to seamlessly integrate long-term corporate objectives with the usually shorter-term sales strategies that salespeople operate off of. This is not often the case in real life, however, where rifts between the C-suite and the salespeople “in the trenches” occur frequently. For example, there Integrating Sales Strategies and Corporate Objectives

A company is only as good as its people. Finding qualified candidates for your firm, especially ones which directly impact your bottom line, such as salespeople, can be laborious. While traditional methods such as headhunting and job advertising can provide plenty of leads when searching for new sales consultants, they are generally pricey and flood How to Find the Perfect Sales Consultant

Sales is an ever-changing game where, although the fundamentals remain the same, the way these are executed is variable. If your firm is struggling to gain market share, it might be time to reevaluate your sales strategies and ensure they are up-to-date. Here are a few sales strategies that will help you increase your market 3 Sales Strategies to Increase Market Share

Regular readers of my blog know how much I stress individual salesperson testing and training. But all that is irrelevant if the sales processes used in the firm aren’t geared to support your people once they have been trained to sell. Here, we will explore the top 5 reasons why revamping your sales processes is Top 5 Reasons to Revamp Your Sales Processes

When deciding which sales training firm to hire, sales managers and executives also need to decide whether they favor formal corporate sales training programs or whether private coaching is best. Each has its benefits and drawbacks, depending on the situation, so let’s explore a few factors which should be taken into consideration. Which Skills Need Private Sales Coaching versus Corporate Sales Training Programs: Pros and Cons

Sometimes in business, we get tunnel vision in regards to what our real problems are and what solutions should be undertaken to fix them. I suspect it happens when business owners either fail to step back and look at the big picture, or when they dismiss the obvious cause of failure simply because “it cannot 4 Startling Facts Every Business Owner Should Know

It’s true that sales depend heavily on personal interaction. A common misconception which stems from this fact is this: only those who are naturally outspoken can make the big bucks in sales. However, the truth is that there are many different types of sales, and therefore different personality types can succeed as salespeople as long Can Shy People Become Sales Superstars?

In a climate rife with economic pitfalls and stiff competition, it has become more essential than ever that business owners not only seek out employees with experience under the belt, but also search for cheaper and faster means of training them when necessary, while simultaneously better leveraging customer data to unearth more opportunities. This has Top Five Sales Technology Innovations for Your Business


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Companies partner with ASHER Strategies, a growth strategy consulting firm, to develop consistent, scalable, measurable ROI and top line revenue growth through sales training, marketing, and process improvement.

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