John Asher

Sometimes the simplest solutions can be the best. Sales executives are always on the lookout for ways to increase business, and sometimes the easiest solution is right in front of you. Your top performers, the top 10to 20 percent of your sales force,usually account for 60 to 80 percent of the revenue generated in your Use the APQ to Find the Top 8 Best Salespeople Already in Your Company

With the right sales training program in place, your company’s close rate and revenue are highly likely to increase. Finding that particular training program, one that ‘ticks the boxes’ for your business’ unique set of challenges, is another matter entirely. As you might have already experienced, not all corporate sales training workshops are created equal. The Ugly Truth about Some Top Sales Training Programs

If you’re like most of us, you may find it a little overwhelming to stay cutting edge — following every web marketing platform coming down the pike would certainly exhaust both your mind and your bank account. One tried and true social platform for B2B lead generation is LinkedIn (follow our company page here). So How LinkedIn Is Revolutionizing Business/Corporate Sales Training

In this day and age, possible lawsuits seem to lurk around every corner. There is a reason why most of us have legal on speed dial and know exactly who to talk to — while bottom line profitability is of utmost importance that can come to a grinding halt if your business gets dragged through How Laws Demand the APQ Aptitude Assessment Has Proven Correlation to Performance

Whether it’s by trying to be as engaging as possible, being focused on interactivity, or providing tips on innovative tools, I am always looking to increase the value and timeliness of my sales training seminars. Sales exists in a constantly changing landscape, and the best sales training seminars should be responsive to that landscape. Asher Asher’s Best Tips from Recent Sales Training Seminars

Some things just get better with time. This is true of fine red wine, fancy cheese or simply a broken-in pair of jeans. However, did you know you can count corporate sales training among them? It’s easy enough to see that sales training in general has changed greatly over the decades, but there are numerous Corporate Sales Training Is Better Now Than 10 Years Ago

There is no denying it – corporate sales training works. It’s a forgone conclusion that to remain competitive and to provide your sales team with the tools to meet and exceed sales goals you will need to invest in a top sales training program. Choosing the right one for your business can mean a bump Best Resources for Finding Top Sales Training Programs

Change is inevitable. As time marches on the tried and true gives way to the disruptive and cutting edge. You can either prepare for this or get out of the way. The sales landscape continues to evolve. Mobile technology, social media, and wearable smart devices are enhancing the way we communicate with prospects and customers. 7 Ways Sales Training Seminars Will Change in the Next 3 Years

As business professionals, there are certain questions we are always asking ourselves: Are we doing what works? Can we spend smarter? How do we increase sales in a cost effective way? All great questions that deserve smart answers. Many of us are familiar with the fact that $1 trillion is spent annually worldwide on corporate You Can Never get Enough Corporate Sales Training

Our blog followers and our clients know how strongly we advocate for sales aptitude assessments for all sales personnel and prospective hires. Over and over again, we witness firsthand the astonishing results obtainable by placing people in appropriate roles based on their natural aptitude before training them. Our preferred test for finding the best salespeople APQ -The New Asher Strategies Sales Aptitude Assessment Can Include Business Sales Training


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Companies partner with ASHER Strategies, a growth strategy consulting firm, to develop consistent, scalable, measurable ROI and top line revenue growth through sales training, marketing, and process improvement.

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