John Asher

Scripts have long played a role in sales training, although opinions vary as to their usefulness. On one hand, especially for inexperienced people, they provide a roadmap to follow during a sales call. On the other hand, they can be relied on too much, resulting in the robotic delivery which characterizes many telemarketing calls. In Using Role Playing Scripts in Sales Training

While the basics of sales are universal, the more you can tailor a corporate sales training curriculum to match the local business environment, the better.

A lot of managers find it hard to hire good salespeople. Many of the people they bring into their ranks are not motivated, careless with customers, or otherwise liabilities. It is one of the biggest problems for any company and some of the top sales training programs can help.  So, is there a way to Details on the Three Secrets to Hiring Top 5% Sales Talent

When you invest in sales training seminars, you expect to get a good return on your money, which is why you need to choose the best sales training seminars for your staff. For most, this means you need to see an ROI through an increase in revenue and profit. There are also intangibles, such as 30 Reasons Asher Delivers Top ROI with the Best Sales Training Seminars

In this post I will do something a little bit different. Rather than give you MY top tips for picking the best sales training seminars, I will provide some of the best from other professionals in the sales training space.

Most sales training workshops do a good job of covering the basics of selling, such as prospecting, qualifying, presenting, handling objections, and closing.

Corporate sales training continues to evolve, and you want to make sure you stay ahead of the curve, right?

Every time there is a new president, the business climate in Washington DC shifts somewhat. With the surprise victory of Donald Trump, the shift might be several magnitudes greater — based on his campaign promises to shake things up quite a bit in the nation’s capital.

Imagine owning a crystal ball that could predict with a great deal of certainty whether a new employee had “the right stuff” to make it in sales. That would make life as a recruiter or sales manager much easier, wouldn’t it?

You can set trends, or you can follow them. If you do the latter, you will constantly chase developments well after first adopters have soaked up most of the gains available from them. So, it behooves you to stick close to trendsetters and pay attention to what they are advocating, because most likely everyone else Sales Training Workshops That Set Trends, Like Asher


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