John Asher

Do you like motivational speakers? Most of us do. They make us feel good and pumped up with adrenaline, at least for a couple of hours. But what happens when the glow of a motivational speech wears off in a couple of days?

Best Sales Training Seminars

A lot of dollars are spent on the best sales training seminars every year by countless companies. And while many salespeople go on to achieve exemplary results after their sessions, many also struggle to remember and apply what they learned on the job months later. The key to solving this is to reinforce the training. Tips for Remember What You Learn in the Best Sales Training Seminars

In 2007, 52 percent of job turnover was employee driven (quitting) and 48 percent was employer driven (layoffs, firings) per the Job Openings and Labor Turnover report issued by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics. Today, one decade later, this has shifted to only 31 percent being employer driven.

If I had to strip everything out of the top sales training programs except for ONE element, and still deliver content which packs a powerful punch for our client companies, what would this element be?

Cookie cutter business sales training programs may not work for your company. In this post I will give you a few pointers for how you can “build your own training” for your staff, whether you intend to deliver it yourself or use a third party such as Asher Strategies to do the teaching work.

You can gauge the health of a company’s revenue by sitting in on a few sales meetings. If the sales meetings are well-organized, informative, and centered around goals and solutions, they tend to correspond to great sales teams – and therefore higher revenue. If the sales meetings are chaotic, boring, or natter-fests, then they tend Make Sales Meetings Fun and Productive with Best Practices from Sales Training Workshops

You don’t need a massive group to conduct successful sales training workshops. In fact, those huge mega-seminars with 30-foot projection screens and the fancy light shows might be counter-productive and a waste of money.

APQ sales aptitude assessment helps coach extremes

One of the more frustrating challenges for sales managers is dealing with the salesperson who, while productive, could be so much more productive if he could handle that ONE little flaw in his personality which hurts sales. This flaw could manifest in different ways. Perhaps he has difficulty showing empathy, driving away business. Or perhaps How to Coach Salespeople: Personality Extremes & APQ Aptitude Assessment

At Asher Strategies sales training seminars, we like to marry classic, tried-and-true sales techniques with cutting edge information to ensure attendees get as many tools to boost revenue as possible. In addition to our proprietary curriculum, we curate the best data from research papers, business magazines, marketing websites, and other leading sales professionals for a 3 Great Tips from Experts and Sales Training Seminars for How to Increase Revenue

Top sales training programs can deliver terrific value to companies willing to invest in their people. However, in some cases, sales training can fall flat. If we assume that the training program itself is solid and the trainer competent, then there are three likely culprits. Read on for the main reasons sales training programs fail.


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Companies partner with ASHER Strategies, a growth strategy consulting firm, to develop consistent, scalable, measurable ROI and top line revenue growth through sales training, marketing, and process improvement.

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