John Asher

I have heard from countless people over the years, “You should write a book.” The problem is,I really haven’t had much interest in writing or being recognized as an author.

The best salespeople seem to have something magical about them. Whether they have an easy demeanor, or come across as flashy and with A-type personalities, they tend to draw business to themselves like moths to a flame. Finding these salespeople, or developing them through sales training workshops, is the hardest role of any sales manager The Secret to Building Sales Hunter, Closer, and Farmer Teams

Every so often, some media pundit raises the alarm about automation and robotics decimating jobs. Then I receive comments at our sales training seminars from attendees who question their job security when marketing automation is becoming the norm and the future promises artificial intelligence-powered chatbots with sales capabilities.

Not going to beat around the bush here…follow these 20 tips top sales training programs should be teaching for greater sales success! Some of them are my own, others I have collected through the years from very smart people.

Business sales training is a must for any company, from small mom and pop shops to mega-corporations. Why? Because without the ability to prospect and close sales, there is no revenue – and cash is the lifeblood of every enterprise, large or small.

As you research sales training seminars for your firm, you might wonder whether investing in a completely customized curriculum is worth it. Or, perhaps you should save a few bucks and get an off-the-shelf program and be done.

An article in North Carolina’s Mountain Xpress sheds light on a looming crisis: there will soon be a mass retirement of baby boomers, who own about 50 percent of all American businesses, and very few have any sort of succession plan.

What are the factors that makes some salespeople perform better as inside sales farmers rather than outside sales hunters? It’s too simple to say things such as, “Well, inside sales people tend to be less aggressive and more caring, and outside sales people are “flashier” and completely ‘A’ type personalities.”

Delivering business sales training in Washington DC for the past three decades has been a rewarding and challenging, endeavor.

Well, 2017 is moving along at a fast clip, and hopefully you are meeting your sales goals thus far. If not, there is still plenty of time to make some adjustments. To that end, I’ve noticed a few emerging trends in B2B sales, and I thought providing a top 10 list would be beneficial for Top 10 B2B Sales Trends for 2017


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