John Asher

I am going to show you why you should implement the sales aptitude assessment APQ (Advanced Personality Questionnaire) in your business without further delay. Every sales manager has encountered the sales job applicant who appears brilliant and comes recommended but falls flat on her face after being hired. Maybe you even looked at her numbers Sales Aptitude Assessment APQ to Reveal EQ

sales training seminars for business development

Business development teams are responsible for creating new market opportunities, often through the introduction of a new product or a new use case for an existing product. Sometimes they even work directly with their R&D departments to come up with new products to serve a market opportunity. In any case, business development teams should attend Why Sales Training Seminars are a MUST for Business Development Teams

Top sales training programs come in various guises. Some are 3-day affairs which you must travel to, while others come in DVD format with workbooks which allow you to train in your own conference room. Subject matters run the gamut from basic presentation skills to advanced neuro-linguistic programming theories. Regardless of which program you eventually Tips to Keep Business Sales Training Relevant and Fun

One of the main struggles faced by sales trainers and the businesses they serve is to improve the retention of data by sales training seminar students. Unfortunately, most people forget up to 90 percent of what they learn at seminars within about three months. This is a whole lot of money down the drain. There Using Video for Sales Training Seminar Retention

There has been some discussion as to whether the distinction between inside sales and outside sales is still valid, or whether this is an outdated model. Some suggest a hybrid approach, where a salesperson performs both inside and outside functions, is the solution. This jack-of-all-trades salesperson might exist, but I still believe that categorizing salespeople Inside Sales vs. Outside Sales – Make the Right Fit with an APQ Sales Aptitude Assessment

Are sales hunters and sales farmers so different? Personality and aptitude testing revealthat yes, they are different in many ways, and therefore a farmer might not do well in a hunter role, and vice versa. For both kinds of salespeople, however, there are some common training needs which top sales training programs must address in Hunter and Farmer Salespeople Common Training Needs at Top Sales Training Programs

Sales training workshops have been a staple of corporate growth strategies for decades. From Fred Herman’s K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid) to Dale Carnegie’s programs and countless others, CEOs and other executives have long realized the power of putting their sales teams through formal educational sessions rather than learning strictly on the job. As corporate Corporate Growth through Strategic & Long-Term Sales Training Workshops

Doing business in Washington DC can be a lot of fun and very lucrative. Many decision makers exist who can directly turn the cash spigot on for entire industries, or even individual companies. However, it can also be extremely difficult, and many firms stagnate over time or have difficulty getting started in the first place. Competing in Washington Is Tough! Businesses Need Sales Training to Grow

While opinions of Trump’s track record in his first few months as President are mixed, no one can argue that he and his administration could do a better sales job in getting his policies accepted by the American people as a whole. In particular, the media seems to act like a very reluctant buyer, mostly In Trump’s Washington, Government Agencies Need Corporate Sales Training

Top sales training programs have all had to evolve as technology and a global economy have changed the sales game forever. I predict that we haven’t seen anything yet, and that dramatic changes are yet to come. Here are some of my top bets for things which will have a great impact in the next The Future of Top Sales Training Programs: A 10-Year Outlook


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