John Asher

The human mind can be likened to a sponge which soaks up interesting new knowledge and stores it for later use. Unfortunately, a sponge is also full of holes which can evaporate its contents, similar to how a mind forgets new information within about 90 days. For companies which have just invested tens of thousands How Will My Corporate Sales Team Ever Remember All They Learned in Sales Training

My brand-new book, Close Deals Faster: The 15 Shortcuts of the Asher Sales Method,is written around the most important sales principles gleaned from a large body of material and decades of personal experience. These 15 shortcuts, if applied, will give any salesperson an edge and lead to more sales and a happier career. While the 15 Business Building Shortcuts to Close Deals Faster

Asking for referrals is one of the pillars of consultative or relationship-based selling. The reason it works so well lies in two factors: 1) most people like to share information with others, especially if it makes them look good 2) most people trust recommendations from people they know. One need only check out their Facebook Close Deals Faster – ASKING FOR REFERRALS

Sales training seminars worth their salt do not teach transactional selling but rather relationship-based or consultative selling. The reason for this is the consultative approach leads to a greater return in the form of repeated business, referrals, and bigger deals.

Sales managers everywhere dream of landing top hunter salespeople for their sales teams. These are a rare breed of cat, about as elusive astigers are in the jungle. However, there is a trick to finding these VIPs which I am going to share with you now. And once you know this secret, and use it, Assess Your Way to Hiring a TOP HUNTER Salesperson

For companies selling B2B, 90 percent of your business next year will come from your current customers: 75 percent from ongoing business and 15 percent from up and cross-selling to them. You should be in continual discussion with your customers, and not just for solving problems. In fact, if the only time you’re talking with Corporate Sales Training – Seven Things NOT to Say to Customers

Corporate sales training can be a significant investment of time, energy, and money. It is usually very worthwhile, but sometimes it is just not in this year’s budget. So what can you do to keep the saw sharp among your salespeople?

One of the things which sets Asher Strategies apart from other top sales training programs is our emphasis on practical application. We emphasize doing because it’s the best way to learn.

The use of sales aptitude assessments for hiring has been a big boon for our customers, who now have a scientific method for determining a candidate’s fit for certain sales job roles.

Close Sales Deals Faster Using Objections

This is post 8 of my 10 part series on “Closing” based around my new book, Close Deals Faster: The 15 Shortcuts of the Asher Sales Method.I have touched upon topics such as building rapport, performing research, effective listening and handling objections. Now, I will cover the topic which separates the wheat from the chaff Close Deals Faster – CLOSING


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