John Asher

Training Seminar

Sales training seminars are indispensable for any sales organization, even one full of seasoned pros. Conventional wisdom notwithstanding, you can teach an old dog new tricks if you motivate it enough. Not to associate canines with salespeople, but you get the idea – everyone benefits from continued education in their craft. However, sometimes it’s fuzzy Was your Sales Training Seminar Successful?

Washington, D.C., June 28, 2018 – Asher Strategies announced today that John Asher, CEO of Asher Strategies is booking a new keynote address for conferences and events. “I want to help businesses grow and share with their salespeople new ideas for making the complex, simple. And how learning to sell to the buyer’s old brain Asher Strategies Customizes Keynote Addresses for Businesses

how to close a deal tough objections

Salespeople must know how to close a deal in the face of tough objections. First, they must understand the difference between a valid objection, often referred to as a condition, as opposed to simple mental resistance – usually composed of irrational fears. Conditions are those things which make the deal impossible to close at the Close that Deal in the Face of Tough Objections

Close Deals Faster for large accounts

Every salesperson dreams of landing a big account — one that not only will bring in a huge commission check, but also respect from peers and executives. These big accounts, if serviced correctly, tend to bring in other big accounts as well due to social proof – your firm must be good if you handle How to Close BIG Deals

closing sales techniques

Closing sales techniques are the key to sales. Similar to plays in sports, they should be practiced over and over in order to build competence and become second nature. Some tips for getting this done follow. Role play You cannot build competence solely by reading the closes online or in books and memorizing. You have Practice Your “Closing Sales” Techniques BEFORE You Need Them

losing sales closing techniques

It happens to the best of salespeople. Everything seems to be going smoothly with a buyer, with enough positive signals apparently there to indicate strong interest and a purchase decision. Then, when sales closing techniques are applied to get the commitment, they refuse to close. When one has spent weeks or even months working on Losing Sales at the End? 4 Sales Closing Techniques to Help

Washington, D.C., June 5, 2018 – Asher Strategies announced today the book Close Deals Faster, authored by John Asher, CEO at Asher Strategies, has been awarded the 2018 International Book Award in the Business: Sales category. With more than 2,000 entries for the 2018 International Book Awards around the world, American Book Fest reviews with John Asher Awarded International Book Award by American Book Fest

closing sales techniques for 201

You can never learn enough closing sales techniques. Even if you don’t use all of them over the course of your sales career, studying closes helps develop a greater competence with the ones you DO use. In my book, Close Deals Faster: The 15 Shortcuts of the Asher Sales Method. I cover ten of the 18 for 2018 – Closing Sales Techniques

One thing which can bruise the egos of salespeople more than anything else is when customers “fire” you and start doing business with a competitor. It feels like a betrayal, doesn’t it? There are countless reasons a client might leave you, from bad customer service to missed deliveries to simple economics. But the sting leaves Two Killer Sales Closing Techniques to Recover Lost Clients

emotional intelligence for sales success

The absolute best way to tell if someone possesses the emotional intelligence for sales success before hiring them is the Advanced Personality Questionnaire. The test will surface the strengths and weaknesses of a candidate immediately after taking the 25-minute quiz. But what if you have to make a snap decision, with no possibility of getting The 5-Minute EI Assessment for Sales Success


Close Deals Faster

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Companies partner with ASHER Strategies, a growth strategy consulting firm, to develop consistent, scalable, measurable ROI and top line revenue growth through sales training, marketing, and process improvement.

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