John Asher

business keynote speakers

The image on this post shows a thoughtful person – perhaps a scholar. It’s not an image much associated with business keynote speakers, who generally present a somewhat flashy, driven persona. But I think that the best speakers are not necessarily the guys who jump all over the stage in sweaty, religious fervor. I mean, What Makes for Great Business Keynote Speakers?

As you can imagine, there is no single magic bullet to close deals faster, and speed up a company’s growth. Instead, the quest to close deals faster can be accomplished through improvements in several important functions of a business which all dovetail together to boost efficiency in sales and marketing efforts. Here are four business Using These Four Business Growth Processes Right are the Key to Closing Deals Faster

In the Forbes article, “Five Techniques Top Leaders Use to Close Sales In The Digital Age” by Aditi Ramchandani, the author makes a couple of points which I wholeheartedly agree with, and I think you will too: “A key missing piece in modern sales is the human factor… to stand out in the digital age Are Traditional Closing Sales Techniques Obsolete in Social Media Selling?

There’s no doubt the APQ Sales Aptitude Assessment stacks the odds in your favor when selecting qualified sales candidates. It checks the candidate’s scores against the ideal ranges for a wide range of job roles, thus determining suitability for positions such as outside sales hunter, farmer, CSR, or sales manager. This reduces bias in the Using APQ for Coaching – 3 Great Tips

Sales training seminars can enhance the lives and performance of salespeople (and the businesses they work for) because of the gains in confidence and competence – not to mention the nice increase in pay from closing more deals. Some firms think of sales training seminars as “nice to have” rather than as a necessity. If 5 Triggers Your Sales Team Needs Training

Although I find it easier to close deals in person, certain professionals have mastered the art of closing deals on the phone. Think stockbrokers and telemarketers. However, I would not look to these professions for general guidance in how to close a deal in the B2B world due to the high-pressure and perhaps questionable tactics How to Close a Deal on the Phone

I love to teach sales closing techniques. Closing is what brings home the bacon and makes the world go round, from national politics to relationships. Without closing skills, salespeople are not salespeople. They are order takers – and only if the buyers decide they want to buy in the first place. This is a matter John Asher’s Three Favorite Sales Closing Techniques and Why

Based on feedback received by attendees at our sales training seminars, the jury is still out at many companies whether their investments in social media have paid off. The problem is that it is tough to quantify revenue directly attributed to social media efforts, because sites such as Twitter are mostly branding tools instead of Is Twitter Helping or Hurting Your Sales? Notes from Asher Sales Training Seminars

Emotional Intelligence

The idea of developing emotional intelligence for sales success is gaining traction. Case in point: an article in the March 2018 print edition of Rough Notes Magazine (a leading trade for insurance agents) is titled “The ‘Other’ Intelligence: Why emotional intelligence is topping leaders’ lists of must-have skills.”  In it, writer Kimberley Paterson states “77% You CAN change your Emotional Intelligence in Business – Here’s How

Sales training workshops tend to be a one-off affair, or at best a yearly event for most firms. Many dedicated salespeople attend several per year, but for a large number this is not possible due to economics or logistics. Therefore, it pays to maximize the results obtained by the training investment. One way to do 3 Ways Virtual Refresher Training Can Boost Your Sales Training Workshop Effectiveness


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