John Asher

Ever wanted to join the ranks of sales motivational speakers? Perhaps you just want to be a better presenter in general, in case you need to speak in front of a crowd of peers or employees. You don’t have to attend Toastmasters in order to improve your public speaking skills, especially when simply trying to Sales Motivational Speakers Tips and Tricks

Every day, in conferences, seminars, and summits the world over, keynote speakers deliver informative and motivational talks to audiences in every possible industry. Many of these speakers are big names in business, sports, television, or literature. Most are excellent and deserve every penny earned for their speaking engagement. However, sales and marketing speakers might represent Why A Sales Speaker Makes Sense

Washington, D.C., Sept. 4, 2018 – Asher Strategies announced today the launch of Asher Sales Sense, a radio show that will feature hosts John Asher and Kyla O’Connell, informed guests and unique conversation on sales strategies. The show will air bi-weekly beginning Sept. 6, 2018 at 3PM EST and will be available on for Asher Strategies to Debut Sales Strategy Podcast Series on September 6th

executive APQ Sales Aptitude Test

The APQ Sales Aptitude Test is a must-use tool to hire superlative sales talent, especially outside sales hunters. But what about sales executives? After all, since many are wooed over the course of several months, this should give recruiters ample time to judge the potential and pitfall of each candidate, right? If only that were Do I Really Need to Give an Executive Hire an APQ Sales Aptitude Test?

Boost Growth Instantly

A sales motivational speaker can inspire and educate an audience, but did you know they can also boost growth and revenue immediately? The trick is to strategize their engagement and the content wisely so the keynote solves pressing problems and in this way maximizes relevance and follow-up by attendees. Here is a step by step How to Use a Sales Motivational Speaker to Boost Growth Instantly

effective sales keynote speakers

Sales team members have the blahs? Consider hiring sales keynote speakers to liven things up and get them back on track. Here are a few ways sales keynote speakers can jump start your team. Team cohesion Listening to a fantastic keynote as a shared experience can bond team members. The key is the emotional connection Sales Keynote Speakers Can Jumpstart Your Team

sales closing techniques

I have enjoyed being a keynote speaker for several years and attendees always seem to want some kind of magical sales closing techniques which will help them close deals faster. As you probably can guess, there is no magic. It takes a lot of skill and work to close sales, and no single technique works 3 Powerful Sales Closing Techniques Taught by Famous Keynote Speakers

Marketing Speakers

Marketing and sales go hand in hand. The functions of these departments often overlap, and I have worked with some firms where there is no real distinction – the sales department is the marketing department for all intent and purposes. That being said, marketing speakers are just as valuable for salespeople as they are for Teach Your Sales Team These Two New Marketing Tricks

b2b corporate keynote speakers

A great corporate keynote speaker can transform an ordinary seminar or conference into a catalyst for increased sales, but only if you choose the right one. We have all experienced what a poor speaker does to us – it’s a snooze fest and our minds drift to lunch or our cell phones. Not exactly a 6 Tips to Choose a Corporate Keynote Speaker to Boost Sales

Emotional Intelligence for Sales Success

Emotional intelligence for sales success is no longer a maybe, it is a bona fide requirement for anyone involved in customer-facing positions. We have seen examples of how poor EQ has impacted businesses, such as the Starbucks debacle earlier this year, where the desire to enforce well-meaning corporate policy resulted in the unfortunate arrest of 3 Reasons Your Reps Need to Up Their Emotional Intelligence for Sales Success


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