John Asher

Has your business lost its focus to the point where a confusing mix of messages, both internal and external, is the norm? An example of this would be a company declaring aggressive growth targets – while simultaneously announcing plant closures and layoffs. Or a company such as Comcast, who several years ago initiated a campaign Use a Sales Keynote Speaker to Focus Your Company

How to be a More Persuasive Business Developer. Neuroscience Sales Techniques that Trigger a Buy Decision October 16, 2018 | 11:30 am – 1:00 pm Learn how neuroscience holds the secret to understanding your buyer and why they do (or do not) buy. This isn’t just theory, but proven guidance on specific sales techniques you John Asher Featured Keynote Speaker at NBDA Event

As sales and marketing professionals, we have come to accept the value of data analytics from lead generation all the way to the final sale and beyond. Data informs our decisions along each step of the funnel and continues throughout the entire lifespan of the customer relationship. This has revolutionized marketing and leveled the playing Testing for Sales Aptitude is the First Step (In building a great sales team and rapid growth)

Sales training seminars can transform a sales team from a sluggish crew to a team that consistently exceeds expectations. Billions are spent on training programs around the world each year because they work and provide fantastic ROI for firms big and small. There is one key ingredient which all sales training seminars should fit in Why Role Playing is the Secret Sales Training Seminar Ingredient

Hiring sales hunters is one of the best ways to set your company on the fast track to success. Elite outside sales hunters not only have bigger deal pipelines, they also close deals faster than the average salesperson. When you’re looking to see if you’re sitting in front of the right person, you might want The APQ Sales Aptitude Test Is the Key to Success When Hiring Sales Hunters

Sales training workshops are not a one-size-fits-all affair. They should be selected after taking into consideration your size, culture and growth goals – or you might create a mismatch between your trainees’ expectations and the curriculum offered. Are you a start-up bent on staying nimble and aggressive? An established multi-national with a large footprint? Or Match Your Sales Training Workshop to Your Size, Culture, and Growth Goals

Sales could be described as the leveraging of human emotion in order to create desired outcomes. Ideally, these outcomes should be desired by both the buyer and seller to create a win-win. Using this definition, you can see why emotional intelligence for sales success is a topic of concern for all salespeople, managers, and the Keynote Speaker for Company-Wide Emotional Intelligence & Sales Success

Business keynote speakers are a smart choice for conferences, annual sales meetings, and company-wide incentive getaways. With the right talent to address your audience, you can multiply the return on your conference dollars in various ways. Here are some of the areas which benefit from professional business keynote speakers. Improve salesperson retention There are certain How Great Business Keynote Speakers Multiply Your Conference ROI

Are you planning an incentive trip for your salespeople? How about a special training course or company-wide team-building retreat? Regardless of the type of corporate event you are planning, hiring top sales keynote speakers should be something to consider when designing your agenda. Sales keynote speakers can directly impact your bottom line in a way 10 Reasons Your Company Needs a Top Sales Keynote Speaker

Asher Strategies announced today they were selected as a top sales blog by Feedspot, a blogger database and news feed that covers more than 1,500 niche markets. “We are both humble and proud to be recognized for our ongoing educational content we deliver to sales professionals,” said John Asher, CEO of Asher Strategies. “It is Asher Sales Blog Selected as Top Blog by Feedspot


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