John Asher

Top Sales Training Programs

You get what you pay for, and this includes top sales training programs versus the low budget ones. You can save a bit of money by using a new firm trying to enter the market with low prices, and risk losing your investment if the training is subpar. Same with sending salespeople to a community Why Top Sales Training Programs are Worth the Money

Top sales training programs do more than just present information once and let salespeople loose without further guidance. The majority of your training investment is wasted if you buy a program which does this, as very few people can absorb and apply information the first time they hear it. In fact, most of us forget All Top Sales Training Programs Excel With These Three Ingredients

Closing sales faster is an overriding goal for both executives and salespeople alike, especially in B2B businesses where deals can take months to come to fruition. The desire to speed things up can transform selling into a stressful, pressure-filled endeavor. How do you lessen this, while still closing sales faster? Fill up your lead pipeline Ideas to Close Sales Faster Without Being Pushy

Have your past sales seminars been snooze-fests? Whether they were small affairs held in company conference rooms or mega-productions complete with stage lights and enormous video screens, perhaps you felt the trainers could have done a better job in holding the audience’s attention. Since this problem occurs with both simple setups and elaborate ones, the 3 Key Things to Avoid Hosting Boring Sales Seminars

Sales Training Workshops

You want to close deals faster and increase revenue in 2019, right? Sales training workshops could be the key to achieving that goal. I know you have several options, from employing ASHER or the many others easily found through Google or Bing searches. In this post, I will give you some best practices for selecting 2019 Sales Training Workshops Best Practices for Your Business

Keys for Choosing Great Sales

Sales Consulting Services Perform a search for “sales consulting services” in Google or Bing and you will find there are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of individuals and firms offering sales consulting in some form or other. And guess what – many of these are quite good! If they didn’t produce results, they would be Keys for Choosing Great Sales Consulting Services and Getting the Best Results

Everyone wants to close sales faster, especially in B2B sales which tend to take a long time to come to fruition. Navigating the multiple layers of authority required to sign off on purchases can take months, and shaving off even 10 percent of the time involved can make a big difference. Speed equals power! Deals 3 Indicators You Need Training on Closing the Sale

A sales aptitude test is the best way to hand-pick applicants who possess natural sales ability from a pool of applicants. Sales aptitude tests are affordable, convenient, and accurate, with results corroborated against actual sales performance through 20 years of research and 300,000 assessments. A large body of real-world experience and testimonials exists, including that Can a Sales Aptitude Test be Faked?

You could throw a lot of money away by choosing sales training which isn’t a good match for your business — or isn’t good period. And there is a great reason the best sales programs consistently get a large volume of signups and many of their students go on to stellar careers in sales – Only the Best Sales Programs Work – Here’s Why

Can You NOT Afford One Day

Sales seminars prove their value time and time again. Every company should put their sales force through a training, at least once per year. One of the biggest excuses for not doing this is not “we don’t have the money,” but rather “we don’t have the time.” If this is the case for you, can Can You NOT Afford One Day for a Sales Seminar?


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Companies partner with ASHER Strategies, a growth strategy consulting firm, to develop consistent, scalable, measurable ROI and top line revenue growth through sales training, marketing, and process improvement.

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