How Laws Demand the APQ Aptitude Assessment Has Proven Correlation to Performance
In this day and age, possible lawsuits seem to lurk around every corner. There is a reason why most of us have legal on speed dial and know exactly who to talk to — while bottom line profitability is of utmost importance that can come to a grinding halt if your business gets dragged through long and costly legal proceedings.
By assessing members of your sales force with the APQ Aptitude Assessment, you are not only able to pick the cream of the crop, but you could end up providing yourself legal cover down the line due to its proven correlation to sales results.
Why assess in the first place?
University of Minnesota psychology professor Paul Sackett said “There is research that shows the expected pattern: People with higher scores end up doing better.” Virtually all studies done on this issue tend to agree: higher scores on aptitude tests lead to better results on the job.
When you test, you’re going to spend less money in the long run by avoiding hiring unqualified people. You will also have science on your side to help you better identify star candidates for the roles you are trying to fill. With all the expensive costs of onboarding new hires and developing that talent, any reliable shortcut you can take is invaluable, and assessment tests are just that.
Standardized questionnaires like the APQ also provide existing employees with the feedback needed to take them to the next level — or to choose a career path better suited to their strengths and weaknesses.
What is the law which applies to the APQ?
Most of us will be familiar with laws pertaining to employment, specifically the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission laws which cover a number of federal statutes regarding the criteria an employer can and cannot consider when hiring employees. This includes protections from discrimination of race, sex, age and/or disability. That’s where using the APQ provides an advantage.
Due to the high levels of correlation between performance and high tests scores, the APQ Aptitude Assessment is a legally acceptable defense as a tool to select employees under the EEOC laws. The test is standardized and applied to everyone the same way.Should a rejected candidate or employee later claim discrimination, the employer would be able to cite the APQ results as a defense showing that they were treated fairly and were judged based on test results rather than opinion.
Why the APQ specifically?
To put it plainly, it just works better than any other tests out there.
The test is designed to prevent “gaming” the answers to make a candidate look favorable.
The results are easy to understand and explain.
You do not need any special training to administer the test and we will show you how to interpret the results.
APQ is a valuable tool on the recruitment line, and your legal department will thank you for using it! To find out more about our top sales training programs or about implementing the test in your company, please contact us. We can have you set up in minutes.